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NoSQL and Datbase stories for past Travel Assistance Recipients

This is part of our series of stories from past ApacheCon and Apache Big Data attendees, who were helped by the Apache Travel Assistance committee in being at the event. To learn more about TAC, please visit the main TAC page. For more stories, please see the TAC stories index page.

Yash Sharma

What's your name?

Yash Sharma

What Apache project are you involved in?

I am a contributor to Apache Drill, Apache Calcite, and a committer to Apache Lens.

Where in the world are you from?


What was the best bit about ApacheCon?

The best bit is definitely meeting the best people around the globe who share the same passion for software and sharing. Its great listening to experiences senior programmers and the interesting use cases they have been solving.

What was the best new project you heard about at ApacheCon?

I heard about Apache Lens for the first time @ApacheCon Austin and started contributing to it. Now I am a proud Committer to the project.

How has TAC and ApacheCon helped your studies/research/career?

I used to be a newbie contributor to Apache when I started off. Being at Apache con I was more motivated than ever. I started into serious contribution mode and made it a practice to devote some time to the community. I have been learning a lot of new things everyday thanks to ApacheCon and my friends in projects @ApacheDrill, @ApacheLens and @ApacheCalcite. loads of thanks to TAC for this opportunity by virtue of which all of this was possible.

Keren Ouaknine

What's your name?

Keren Ouaknine

Which ApacheCon/Apache event did you attend?

ApacheCon in Miami, FL 2017.

What Apache project(s)/Open Source Software project(s) are you involved in?

Apache AsterixDB, Apache Pig

Were you a student/academic at the time of ApacheCon?

Yes, Phd candidate at the Hebrew University.

Where in the world are you from?


What would you say to someone thinking of applying to TAC for the first time?

Apply, Apply!

ApacheCon is a unique opportunity to have great discussions with many open-source committed people. I was grateful for the privilege to learn about the Apache community and projects. The total number of sessions and topics covered in those three conference days was mind blowing and I can clearly remember us TAC-ers did not want it to end!

What unexpected things did you learn at ApacheCon?

Quick anecdote: I volunteered to help with the registration desk on the first day of the conference along with a friend. Naturally, I familiarized with many of the attendants, their names, workplace/organization. Following which, I no longer felt as a wandering soul, seeking to find a female peer to socialize with (like it often happens on conferences of this scale). Instead, I was part of the TAC-ers: united, incredibly nice, talented and organized group. During the registration, more TAC-ers joined to help with the load and together we mastered the incoming stream with ease and good spirit!

I cherish the friendship with all the TAC members and organizers and will keep a very fond memory of this conference.