We are pleased to announce the turbine-2 Turbine 2.2-b2 release! http://turbine.apache.org/turbine/turbine-2.3.3/index.html Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java developers to quickly build secure web applications. Parts of Turbine can also be used independently of the web portion of Turbine as well. In other words, we strive to make portions of Turbine easily available for use in other applications. =============================================================================== Changes in this version include: Changes: o The coupled version of Torque has been removed from Turbine 2.2! Get a full list of changes at the Torque-site. o the coupled version of torque has been removed. o Maven is used as build system for Turbine 2.2 o removed antiquated redirect logic. o You can use log4j properties directly. o The configuration package has been moved from stratum to commons o BaseValueParser.setProperty() changed from private to protected o Fixed IllegalStateException when removing an attribute from an invalid session (patch by David Vandegrift - dvandegrift@bluearc.com) o Fixed NumberFormatException in UUIdGenerator. =============================================================================== Issues, bugs, and feature requests for turbine-2 should be submitted to the following issue tracking system: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRB Have fun! -The turbine-2 development team