Interface InitableBroker

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface InitableBroker
    Classes that implement this interface can act as a broker for Initable classes. Functionality provided by the broker includes:
    • Maintaining a single instance of each Initable in the system.
    • Early initialization of Initables during system startup.
    • Late initialization of Initables before they are used.
    • Providing instances of Initables to requesting parties.
    • Maintaining dependencies between Initables during early initialization phases, including circular dependencies detection.
    $Id: 1773378 2016-12-09 13:19:59Z tv $
    Kevin Burton, Rafal Krzewski
    • Method Detail

      • initClass

        void initClass​(String className,
                       Object data)
                throws InitializationException
        Performs early initialization of an Initable class. If your class depends on another Initable being initialized to perform early initialization, you should always ask your broker to initialize the other class with the objects that are passed to you, before you try to retrieve that Initable's instance with getInitable().
        className - The name of the class to be initialized.
        data - An object to be used for initialization activities.
        InitializationException - if initialization of this class was not successful.
      • shutdownClass

        void shutdownClass​(String className)
        Shutdowns an Initable class. This method is used to release resources allocated by an Initable class, and return it to initial (uninitialized) state.
        className - The name of the class to be uninitialized.
      • getInitable

        Initable getInitable​(String className)
                      throws InstantiationException
        Provides an instance of Initable class ready to work. If the requested class couldn't be instatiated or initialized, InstantiationException will be thrown. You needn't handle this exception in your code, since it indicates fatal misconfigurtion of the system.
        className - The name of the Initable requested.
        An instance of requested Initable.
        InstantiationException - if there was a problem during instantiation or initialization of the Initable.