Cryptography Support

The YAAFI container supports decryption of configuration files using Sun's JCA (Java Crypto Architecture). The encryption/decryption is based on DES using 56 bit key length. Starting with fulcrum-yaafi-1.0.6 the decryption support was moved to fulcrum-yaafi-crypto.

JDK Support

JDK 1.3.x For JDK 1.3.x the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) 1.2.2 needs to be installed. Furthermore you need to add the jce1_2_2.jar to your Maven repository and project.xml
JDK 1.4.x The current JDK's have the JCA built-in therefore no extra configuration is required.
JDK 1.5.x The current JDK's have the JCA built-in therefore no extra configuration is required.
JDK 1.6.x The current JDK's have the JCA built-in therefore no extra configuration is required.

Availabe Algorithms

Provider Version Algorithms
SunJCE 1.22 PBEWithMD5AndDES
SunJCE 1.42 PBEWithMD5AndDES