TomEE and Eclipse using Webby

If you want to use Eclipse and WTP (the classic way), please read this docs.

If you intends to run a Maven WAR project, you can adopt m2eclipse-webby, because it will be more efficient. In this case, follow this docs.


Download and install both Apache TomEE (1.7.2 minimum) and Eclipse IDE (not JavaEE version, because Webby doesn't work if m2eclipse-WTP is present).


The next thing you need is m2eclipse plugin. If you doesn't have it in your eclipse package, install it like another plugin.


  1. Then you need to install m2eclipse-webby
  2. In eclipse, select menu "Help" / "Install new software", and type this URL :
  3. Select Web Application Launcher for M2Eclipse / Webby Core
  4. Click Finish and continue the classic installation way.
  5. Restart eclipse.

Setting up eclipse project

  1. Create new Maven project or import an existing one (only War project are accepted with Webby).
  2. Add new Debug configuration (Right click on the project / Debug As / Debug Configuration)
  3. Select Launch Type "Webby", right click "New"
  4. Browse your project if it not present
  5. Type an optionnal context root
  6. Select container "tomee1x" and select "Installed" as type (the only way who works right now)
  7. Browse your tomEE installation in "Home" section
  8. Optionnal : change port and timeout values.
  9. Click "Apply", and "Debug" to start TomEE.

Webby capabilities