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1. The Tamaya Core Design

Though Tamaya is a very powerful and flexible solution there are basically only a few simple core concepts required that build the base of all the other mechanisms. As a starting point we recommend you read the corresponding Core Design Documentation

2. The Tamaya API

The API provides the artifacts as described in the Core Design Documentation, which are:

  • A simple but complete SE API for accessing key/value based Configuration:

    • Configuration hereby models configuration, the main interface of Tamaya. Configuration provides

      • access to literal key/value pairs.

      • functional extension points (with,query) based on UnaryOperator<Configuration> (operator) and Function<Configuration,T> (query).

    • ConfigurationProvider provides the static entry point for accessing configuration.

    • ConfigProvider provides static access to the current Configuration (default configuration)

    • ConfigException defines a runtime exception for usage by the configuration system.

    • TypeLiteral provides a possibility to type safe define the target type to be returned by a registered PropertyProvider.

    • PropertyConverter, which defines conversion of String values into any required target types.

  • Additionally the SPI provides:

    • PropertySource: is the the SPI for adding configuration data. A PropertySource hereby

      • is designed as a minimalistic data interface to be implemented by any kind of data providers (local or remote)

      • provides data key/value pairs in raw format as String key/values only

      • can optionally support scanning of its provided values

    • PropertySourceProvider: allows to add property sources dynamically.

    • ConfigurationProviderSpi defines the SPI that is used as a backing bean for the ConfigurationProvider singleton.

    • PropertyFilter, which allows filtering of property values prior getting returned to the caller.

    • ConfigurationContext, which provides the container that contains the property sources and filters that form a configuration.

    • PropertyValueCombinationPolicy optionally can be registered to change the way how different key/value pairs are combined to build up the final Configuration passed over to the filters registered.

    • ServiceContext, which provides access to the components loaded, depending on the current runtime stack.

    • ServiceContextManager provides static access to the ServiceContext loaded.

This is also reflected in the main parts of the API, which is quite small:

  • org.apache.tamaya contains the main API abstractions used by users.

  • org.apache.tamaya.spi contains the SPI interfaces to be implemented by implementations and the ServiceContext mechanism.

2.1. Key/Value Pairs

Basically configuration is a very generic concept. Therefore it should be modelled in a generic way. The most simple and most commonly used approach are simple literal key/value pairs. So the core building block of Tamaya are key/value pairs. You can think of a common .properties file, e.g.

A simple properties file

Now you can use java.util.Properties to read this file and access the corresponding properties, e.g.

Properties props = new Properties();
String val = props.getProperty("a.b.c");
val = props.getProperty("a.b.c.1");

2.1.1. Why Using Strings Only

There are good reason to keep of non String-values as core storage representation of configuration. Mostly there are several huge advantages:

  • Strings are simple to understand

  • Strings are human readable and therefore easy to prove for correctness

  • Strings can easily be used within different language, different VMs, files or network communications.

  • Strings can easily be compared and manipulated

  • Strings can easily be searched, indexed and cached

  • It is very easy to provide Strings as configuration, which gives much flexibility for providing configuration in production as well in testing.

  • and more…​

On the other side there are also disadvantages:

  • Strings are inherently not type safe, they do not provide validation out of the box for special types, such as numbers, dates etc.

  • In many cases you want to access configuration in a typesafe way avoiding conversion to the target types explicitly throughout your code.

  • Strings are neither hierarchical nor multi-valued, so mapping hierarchical and collection structures requires some extra efforts.

Nevertheless most of these advantages can be mitigated easily, hereby still keeping all the benefits from above:

  • Adding type safe adapters on top of String allow to add any type easily, that can be directly mapped out of Strings. This includes all common base types such as numbers, dates, time, but also timezones, formatting patterns and more.

  • Also multi-valued, complex and collection types can be defined as a corresponding PropertyAdapter knows how to parse and create the target instance required.

  • String s also can be used as references pointing to other locations and formats, where configuration is accessible.

[[API Configuration]] === Configuration

Configuration is the main API provided by Tamaya. It allows reading of single property values or the whole property map, but also supports type safe access.

2.1.2. Configuration (Java 7)

The minimal API defined for Java version earlier than Java 8 looks as follows:

Interface Configuration in Java 7
public interface Configuration{
    String get(String key);
    <T> T get(String key, Class<T> type);
    <T> T get(String key, TypeLiteral<T> type);
    Map<String,String> getProperties();

    // extension points
    Configuration with(ConfigOperator operator);
    <T> T query(ConfigQuery<T> query);


  • <T> T get(String, Class<T>) provides type safe accessors for all basic wrapper types of the JDK.

  • with, query provide the extension points for adding additional functionality.

  • getProperties() provides access to all key/values, whereas entries from non scannable property sources may not be included.

The class TypeLiteral is basically similar to the same class provided with CDI:

public class TypeLiteral<T> implements Serializable {


    protected TypeLiteral(Type type) {
        this.type = type;

    protected TypeLiteral() { }

    public static <L> TypeLiteral<L> of(Type type){...}
    public static <L> TypeLiteral<L> of(Class<L> type){...}

    public final Type getType() {...}
    public final Class<T> getRawType() {...}

    public static Type getGenericInterfaceTypeParameter(Class<?> clazz, Class<?> interfaceType){...}
    public static Type getTypeParameter(Class<?> clazz, Class<?> interfaceType){...}


Instances of Configuration can be accessed from the ConfigurationProvider singleton:

Accessing Configuration
Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();

Hereby the singleton is backed up by an instance of ConfigurationProviderSpi.

2.1.3. Configuration (Java 8)

The API for Java 8 adds additional support for Optional:

Interface Configuration in Java 8
public interface Configuration{
    // methods also defined in Java 7
    String get(String key);
    <T> T get(String key, Class<T> type);
    <T> T get(String key, TypeLiteral<T> type);
    Map<String,String> getProperties();
    Configuration with(ConfigOperator operator);
    <T> T query(ConfigQuery<T> query);

    // new java 8 optional support
    default Optional<String> getOptional(String key){...}
    default <T> Optional<T> getOptional(String key, Class<T> type){...}
    default <T> Optional<T> getOptional(String key, TypeLiteral<T> type){...}

    default Boolean getBoolean(String key){...}
    default OptionalInt getInteger(String key){...}
    default OptionalLong getLong(String key){...}
    default OptionalDouble getDouble(String key){...}


  • get(String) and getOptional(String) provide easy access to any kind of configuration properties in their String format.

  • get(String, TypeLiteral), getOptional(String, TypeLiteral), get(String, Class) and getOptional(String, Class) provide type safe access to configuration properties. PropertyConverter instances can be registered for a given target type. The are managed in an ordered list, whereas the ordering is defined by @Priority annotations on the converters.

  • getProperties() gives access to all known (=scannable) properties.

  • with, query provide the extension points for adding additional functionality modelled by ConfigOperator, ConfigQuery.

Instances of Configuration can be accessed, exactly like in Java 7, from the ConfigurationProvider singleton:

Accessing Configuration
Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();

Hereby the ConfigurationProvider singleton is backed up by an instance of Implementing and Managing Configuration.

2.1.4. Property Converters

As illustrated in the previous section, Configuration also to access non String types. Nevertheless internally all properties are strictly modelled as pure Strings only, so non String types must be derived by converting the configured String values into the required target type. This is achieved with the help of PropertyConverters:

public interface PropertyConverter<T>{
    T convert(String value);
    //X TODO Collection<String> getSupportedFormats();

PropertyConverter instances can be implemented and registered by default using the ServiceLoader. Hereby a configuration String value is passed to all registered converters for a type in order of their annotated @Priority value. The first non-null result of a converter is then returned as the current configuration value.

Access to converters is provided by the current ConfigurationContext, which is accessible from the ConfigurationProvider singleton.

2.2. Extension Points

We are well aware of the fact that this library will not be able to cover all kinds of use cases. Therefore we have added functional extension mechanisms to Configuration that were used in other areas of the Java eco-system as well:

  • with(ConfigOperator operator) allows to pass arbitrary unary functions that take and return instances of Configuration. Operators can be used to cover use cases such as filtering, configuration views, security interception and more.

  • query(ConfigQuery query) allows to apply a function returning any kind of result based on a Configuration instance. Queries are used for accessing/deriving any kind of data based on of a Configuration instance, e.g. accessing a Set<String> of root keys present.

Both interfaces hereby are functional interfaces. Because of backward compatibility with Java 7 we did not use UnaryOperator and Function from the java.util.function package. Nevertheless usage is similar, so you can use Lambdas and method references in Java 8:

Applying a ConfigurationQuery using a method reference
ConfigSecurity securityContext = Configuration.current().query(ConfigSecurity::targetSecurityContext);
ConfigSecurity is an arbitrary class only for demonstration purposes.

Operator calls basically look similar:

Applying a ConfigurationOperator using a lambda expression:
Configuration secured = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration()
                           .with((config) ->

2.3. ConfigException

The class ConfigException models the base runtime exception used by the configuration system.

3. SPI

3.1. Interface PropertySource

We have seen that constraining configuration aspects to simple literal key/value pairs provides us with an easy to understand, generic, flexible, yet expendable mechanism. Looking at the Java language features a java.util.Map<String, String> and java.util.Properties basically model these aspects out of the box.

Though there are advantages in using these types as a model, there are some severe drawbacks, notably implementation of these types is far not trivial and the collection API offers additional functionality not useful when aiming for modelling simple property sources.

To render an implementation of a custom PropertySource as convenient as possible only the following methods were identified to be necessary:

public interface PropertySource{
      int getOrdinal();
      String getName();
      String get(String key);
      boolean isScannable();
      Map<String, String> getProperties();


  • get looks similar to the methods on Map. It may return null in case no such entry is available.

  • getProperties allows to extract all property data to a Map<String,String>. Other methods like containsKey, keySet as well as streaming operations then can be applied on the returned Map instance.

  • But not in all scenarios a property source may be scannable, e.g. when looking up keys is very inefficient, it may not make sense to iterator over all keys to collect the corresponding properties. This can be evaluated by calling isScannable(). If a PropertySource is defined as non scannable accesses to getProperties() may not return all key/value pairs that would be available when accessed directly using the String get(String) method.

  • getOrdinal() defines the ordinal of the PropertySource. Property sources are managed in an ordered chain, where property sources with higher ordinals override the ones with lower ordinals. If ordinal are the same, the natural ordering of the fulloy qualified class names of the property source implementations are used. The reason for not using @Priority annotations is that property sources can define dynamically their ordinals, e.g. based on a property contained with the configuration itself.

  • Finally getName() returns a (unique) name that identifies the PropertySource within the current ConfigurationContext.

This interface can be implemented by any kind of logic. It could be a simple in memory map, a distributed configuration provided by a data grid, a database, the JNDI tree or other resources. Or it can be a combination of multiple property sources with additional combination/aggregation rules in place.

PropertySources are by default registered using the Java ServiceLoader or the mechanism provided by the current active ServiceContext.

3.1.1. Interface PropertySourceProvider

Instances of this type can be used to register multiple instances of PropertySource.

// @FunctionalInterface in Java 8
public interface PropertySourceProvider{
    Collection<PropertySource> getPropertySources();

This allows to evaluate the property sources to be read/that are available dynamically. All property sources are read out and added to the current chain of PropertySource instances within the current ConfigurationContext, refer also to .

PropertySourceProviders are by default registered using the Java ServiceLoader or the mechanism provided by the current active ServiceContext.

3.1.2. Interface PropertyFilter

Also PropertyFilters can be added to a Configuration. They are evaluated before a Configuration instance is passed to the user. Filters can hereby used for multiple purposes, such as

  • resolving placeholders

  • masking sensitive entries, such as passwords

  • constraining visibility based on the current active user

  • …​

PropertyFilters are by default registered using the Java ServiceLoader or the mechanism provided by the current active ServiceContext. Similar to property sources they are managed in an ordered filter chain, based on the applied @Priority annotations.

A PropertyFilter is defined as follows:

// @FunctionalInterface in Java 8
public interface PropertyConverter{
    String filterProperty(String key, String valueToBeFiltered);


  • returning null will remove the key from the final result

  • non null values are used as the current value of the key. Nevertheless for resolving multi-step dependencies filter evaluation has to be continued as long as filters are still changing some of the values to be returned. To prevent possible endless loops after a defined number of loops evaluation is stopped.

This method is called each time a single entry is accessed, and for each property in a full properties result.

3.1.3. Interface PropertyValueCombinationPolicy

This interface can be implemented optional. It can be used to adapt the way how property key/value pairs are combined to build up the final Configuration to be passed over to the PropertyFilters. The default implementation is just overriding all values read before with the new value read. Nevertheless for collections and other use cases it is often useful to have alternate combination policies in place, e.g. for combining values from previous sources with the new value.

public interface PropertyValueCombinationPolicy{

   public final PropertyValueCombinationPolicy DEFAULT_OVERRIDING_COLLECTOR =
           (current, key, propertySource) -> Optional.ofNullable(propertySource.get(key))
                                                     .filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())

   String collect(String currentValue, String key, PropertySource propertySource);

3.1.4. The Configuration Context

A Configuration is basically based on a so called ConfigurationContext, which is managed by the ConfigurationProvider. Similarly the current ConfigurationContext can be accessed from the ConfigurationProvider singleton:

Accessing the current ConfigurationContext
ConfigurationContext context = ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContext();

The ConfigurationContext provides access to the internal building blocks that determine the final Configuration:

  • PropertySources registered (including the PropertySources provided from PropertySourceProvider instances).

  • PropertyFilter registered that filter values before they are returned to the client

  • PropertyConverter instances that provide conversion functionality for converting String values to any other types.

  • the current PropertyValueCombinationPolicy that determines how property values from different PropertySources are combined to the final property value returned to the client.

3.1.5. Changing the current Configuration Context

By default the ConfigurationContext is not mutable once it is created. In most cases mutability is also not wanted or at least not a needed feature. Nevertheless there are use cases where the current ConfigurationContext (and consequently Configuration) must be adapted:

  • New configuration files where detected in a folder observed by Tamaya.

  • Remote configuration, e.g. stored in a database or alternate ways has been updated and the current system must be adapted to these changes.

  • The overall configuration context is manually setup by the application logic.

  • Within unit testing alternate configuration setup should be setup to meet the configuration requirements of the tests executed.

In such cases the ConfigurationContext must be mutable, meaning it must be possible:

  • to add or remove PropertySource instances

  • to add or remove PropertyFilter instances

  • to add or remove PropertyConverter instances

  • to redefine the current PropertyValueCombinationPolicy instances.

This can be achieved by obtaining an instance of ConfigurationContextBuilder. Instances of this builder can be accessed either

  • from the current ConfigurationContext, hereby returning a builder instance preinitialized with the values from the current ConfigurationContext

  • from the current ConfigurationProvider singleton.

Accessing a ConfigurationContextBuilder
ConfigurationContextBuilder preinitializedContextBuilder = ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContext().toBuilder();
ConfigurationContextBuilder emptyContextBuilder = ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContextBuilder();

With such a builder a nre ConfigurationContext can be created and then applied:

Creating and applying a new ConfigurationContext
ConfigurationContextBuilder preinitializedContextBuilder = ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContext().toBuilder();
ConfigurationContext context = preinitializedContextBuilder.addPropertySources(new MyPropertySource())
                                                           .addPropertyFilter(new MyFilter()).build();

Hereby ConfigurationProvider.setConfigurationContext(context) can throw a UnsupportedOperationException. if not sure one may access the method boolean ConfigurationProvider.isConfigurationContextSettable() to check if the current ConfigurationContext is mutable.

3.1.6. Implementing and Managing Configuration

One of the most important SPI in Tamaya if the ConfigurationProviderSpi interface, which is backing up the ConfigurationProvider singleton. Implementing this class allows

  • to fully determine the implementation class for Configuration

  • to manage the current ConfigurationContext in the scope and granularity required.

  • to provide access to the right Configuration/ConfigurationContext based on the current runtime context.

  • Performing changes as set with the current ConfigurationContextBuilder.

3.1.7. The ServiceContext

The ServiceContext is also a very important SPI, which allows to define how components are loaded in Tamaya. The ServiceContext hereby defines access methods to obtain components, whereas itself it is available from the ServiceContextManager singleton:

Accessing the ServiceContext
ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextManager.getServiceContext();

public interface ServiceContext{
    int ordinal();
    <T> T getService(Class<T> serviceType);
    <T> List<T> getServices(Class<T> serviceType);

With the ServiceContext a component can be accessed in two different ways:

  1. access as as a single property. Hereby the registered instances (if multiple) are sorted by priority and then finally the most significant instance is returned only.

  2. access all items given its type. This will return (by default) all instances loadedable from the current runtime context, ordered by priority, hereby the most significant components added first.

4. Examples

4.1. Accessing Configuration

Configuration is obtained from the ConfigurationProvider singleton:

Accessing Configuration
Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();

Many users in a SE context will probably only work with Configuration, since it offers all functionality needed for basic configuration with a very lean memory and runtime footprint. In Java 7 access to the keys is very similar to Map<String,String>, whereas in Java 8 additionally usage of Optional is supported:

Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();
String myKey = config.get("myKey");                         // may return null
int myLimit = config.getInt("all.size.limit").getAsInt();   // Never returns null

In Java 8 the following would be possible as well:

int myLimit = config.getOptionalInt("all.size.limit").getAsInt(); // OptionalInt
Class<T> targetClass = config.get("myClass", Class.class);        // Optional<Class>, returns  never null

4.2. Environment and System Properties

By default environment and system properties are provided automatically as part of the default Configuration. The environment properties hereby are prefixed with env.. So we can access the current PROMPT environment variable as follows:

String prompt = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration().get("env.PROMPT");

Similary the system properties are directly applied to the Configuration. So if we pass the following system property to our JVM:

java ... -Duse.my.system.answer=yes

we can access it as follows:

boolean useMySystem = ConfigurationProvider.getBoolean("use.my.system.answer");

4.3. Adding a Custom Configuration

Adding a classpath based configuration is simply as well: just implement an according PropertySource. With the Tamaya core module you just have to perform the following steps:

  1. Define a PropertySource as follows:

  public class MyPropertySource extends PropertiesFilePropertySource{

    public MyPropertySource(){
  1. Register the new PropertySource using the ServiceLoader by adding the following file:


And adding there the entry for the new PropertySource:


5. API Implementation

The API is implemented by the Tamaya _Core_module. Refer to the Core documentation for further details.