Visual Design | Brand | Seagulls
The Seagulls
White Seagulls :: bitmap with a glow shadow | plain bitmap | vector file
Blue Seagulls :: bitmap with a glow shadow | plain bitmap | vector file
If you are looking for the logo, please have a look here:

White Seagulls with a glow shadow (as transparent bitmap with Alpha Channel)

Please not: Do not scale a bitmap. Chose one of the fix sizes or use the vector file for scaling ;-)
extra small size
small size
medium size
large size
extra large size

White Seagulls (as transparent bitmap with Alpha Channel)

Please not: Do not scale a bitmap. Chose one of the fix sizes or use the vector file for scaling ;-)
extra small size
small size
medium size
large size
extra large size

White Seagulls (as vector file)

free scalable size

Blue Seagulls with a glow shadow (as transparent bitmap with Alpha Channel)

Please not: Do not scale a bitmap. Chose one of the fix sizes or use the vector file for scaling ;-)
extra small size
small size
medium size
large size
extra large size

Blue Seagulls (as transparent bitmap with Alpha Channel)

Please not: Do not scale a bitmap. Chose one of the fix sizes or use the vector file for scaling ;-)
extra small size
small size
medium size
large size
extra large size

Blue Seagulls (as vector file)

free scalable size
If you are looking for the logo, please have a look here:
Last change: 08/01/2008 by sts