Test Case AOOTest-72: TOCSettings [Version : 1]
Author:undefined - 30/08/2012 08:06:49

It is to verify TOC with different settings have same looking as that in MS Word 2003 when open in AOO.

It include the following scenarioes:

 - Loading TOC from MS Word 2003 into AOO

 - Export TOC to DOC format

 - Export TOC to ODT format

Different TOC settings in MS Word 2003:

 - Show page numbers

 - Right align page numbers

 - Tab leader

 - Use hyperlinks instead of page number


Download sample file locally.

#:Step actions:Expected Results:

Start AOO and open sample file TOCSettings-1.doc

Sample file was opened successfully.


Check the TOC in first page, and compare it with that in MS Word 2003.

Screenshot of TOC in MS Word 2003 is copied behind real TOC for reference.

- TOC in AOO is same as that in MS Word 2003

-  Jump function works well, that is to say Ctrl+Clict on TOC entry can jump to corresponding main content.

- Update TOC, the TOC is same as before update.


Save it as DOC format

Save as successfully.


Close the the new saved DOC file, and repeat step 1, 2 for the new saved DOC file in AOO.

 Same result as corresponding steps


Reopen the new saved DOC file in MS Word 2003.

- TOC display well, same as original doc file in MS Word 2003

- Jump function work well

- Update TOC, TOC is same as before update


Open original sample file TOCSettings-1.doc in AOO writer,

Sample file was opened successfully.


Save it as ODT format. Close and reopen the new saved ODT file in AOO.

- TOC in AOO is same as that in MS Word 2003

-  Jump function works well, that is to say Ctrl+Clict on TOC entry can jump to corresponding main content.

- Update TOC, the TOC is same as before update.


Repeat step 1-7 for the following sample files:






Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:Usability
Feature first available at which release:AOO3.5
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:Functionality
RequirementsAOO3.5: AOO3.5 TOC Fidelity with MS Office 2003
Keywords:FVT(Function Verification Test)