Modules in Application Framework Project




The SFX is the core of the framework. It is built on the "Template" pattern and so it is comparable to the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) library. This means that it uses base classes for documents and views to build up the common behaviour ( the "framework" ) of all components. This covers state and interaction of the components. The specialized behaviour of the individual components like Writer, Calc etc. is customized through classes derived from the base classes.
There are other helper classes also. For example, helper classes are used to execute commands, for example commands from a toolbar button. These helper classes also communicate state information. There are also other helper classes for building the user interface and the object persistance.


Contains typical resource files such as bitmaps, icons, and cursor files.


All SFX based components contain Interface definition Language (IDL) files. These files are compiled with the IDL compiler for the SFX framework. It does not generate code, but generates definition ( header ) files used in the components code.


Integrates the application components in different environments like a desktop or a browser plugin etc. It integrates SFX based components as well as other components not based on SFX. The integration base is the frame package of the OpenOffice API.
The framework module is also responsible for the content detection and content activation.


The code for the office executable, based on the offmgr module.


Makes properties of the documents available through OpenOffice API.


Scripting Framework which allows to be scripted in multiple languages. You can view the source code here, and the module home page here.