--- logoLink: "http://fr.openoffice.org" logoTitle: "Cliquez pour retourner à la page d'accueil OpenOffice.org" positionerText: "La Suite Bureautique Libre et Ouverte" languageProjectsText: "Projets en langue native" notLoggedInText: "Vous n'êtes pas connecté" loggedInAsText: "Connecté comme" logInText: "Se connecter" logOutText: "Me déconnecter" orText: "ou" registerText: "S'enregistrer" myPageText: "My Page" usernameText: "nom d'utilisateur" passwordText: "mot de passe" searchText: "Recherche" jumptoText: "Jump to..." homeText: "Home" homeTitle: "Cliquez pour retourner à la page d'accueil OpenOffice.org" homeLink: "http://fr.openoffice.org" newsText: "News" newsTitle: "What is going on? Get up to date!" newsLink: "http://www.openoffice.org/news/" downloadText: "Download" downloadTitle: "Get OpenOffice.org or browse for extensions" downloadLink: "http://download.openoffice.org" supportText: "Support" supportTitle: "Support for OpenOffice.org" projectsText: "Projects" projectsTitle: "Browse the projects and get in touch with the project leads" forumsText: "Forums" peopleText: "People" administrationText: "Administration" administrationTitle: "Administrate OpenOffice.org" aboutText: "About" aboutTitle: "Learn more about the open source-project OpenOffice.org"