Project Add Page Fields Explained

The fields available on the "Start a Project" page allow you to configure your project. Below, we have explained each of the fields and their function.

Project Name Enter what you wish to call your project. Choose a name that both describes the project and conforms to the naming conventions. That is, use characters a-z (mixed case okay), 0-9, and dash (though not as first or last character); no spaces, underscoring, capitalization, or other punctuation. Keep in mind that the project name cannot be changed. An example of a name for a project dealing with porting a sophisticated chess game to the telephone might be "chessphone." Unimaginative, to be sure, but descriptive.

Enter a one-line description of your project, no longer than the field length. The description should be in plain text; HTML and formatted text are not supported. The description will be adjacent to the name of the project and be what registered users see first when they view the list of available projects. It should therefore be descriptive and concise. For instance, in the case of the chess game, you might write: "Porting an advanced chess game to the phone." Unlike the project name, you can edit this field at any time.

This description makes up the bulk of your project's home page. It is where you can present the project in as interesting a light as possible. You can include HTML, formatted text, and so on, but keep in mind that most developers prefer simple and fast over complicated and slow (and confusing). State here your project's mission, background, methodology, tasks available, and other information that a developer might need to begin working on your project. This field can be edited at any time by clicking on the "Edit Project" link once you have finished creating a project, but the information should remain consistent.

In "Create a New Project (Step 2): Choosing your project's license and profile", we examine the licenses and profiles by which you can characterize your project.

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