Download Sites: Hungarian ( 1.0.0)

Updated 2003-04-30

Downloading Tips

Downloading Tips

  1. Click on the hyperlinked named site. Downloads will begin once you click on the hyperlinked named site.
  2. If the download is too slow, you may stop it and choose another site (mirror). You are free to choose other countries.
  3. You will have downloaded a zip file. The next steps of checking, uncompressing, and running the installer are simple, but we recommend you read the Installation Instructions, if you have any questions. Actually, it might be best to read the instructions, anyway. Note if you are using Windows 98, you really should read the Instructions.

Md5Sums: The "md5sum" allows you to verify the integrity of the download.

Instructions for use

File sizes: Windows: 51 MB

Other links:

Hungarian (hu)
Americas Europe / Africa Asia Pacific
Windows Hungary Letöltés