Download Sites: Basque (eu)

Updated 2003-06-30

Downloading Tips

Downloading Tips

  1. Click on the hyperlinked named site. Choose your software.
  2. You will have downloaded a zip file. The next steps of checking, uncompressing, and running the installer are simple, but we recommend you read the Installation Instructions, if you have any questions. Actually, it might be best to read the instructions, anyway.
  3. Translated files are:
    .- Glossary.
    .- source code strings (we used 54 code).
    .- Readme and License files.
    .- Help files and screenshots too: COMMON, SBASIC, SCALC, SDRAW, SIMPRESS, SMATH, SWRITER and PICTURES.
    .- templates (wizards)
    .- i18npool internazionalitation file: eu.xml
    .- res/extern bottoms pictures (B, I , U) .- How-to and user_F.A.Q. documents are translated too.
    .- There is an "StarOffice and Reference handbook" translated too (edited by EditLin). There is a PDF version too


File sizes: Windows: 52 MB | Linux 71 MB

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