





Documents > Cookbook >Presentation Document

Create Presentation Document
Let's create an empty presentation document first. The following codes generates an empty presentation document with one slide:

            PresentationDocument document=PresentationDocument.newPresentationDocument();;

We can also create a presentation template document by using the following codes. The operation of the template document is the same with the normal presentation document.

                    PresentationDocument documentTmp=PresentationDocument.newPresentationTemplateDocument();              

Get Presentation Document
We can get the existing presentation Document by using the loadDocument function like follows:
Here presentation.odp is the name of the existing presentation document.
Also we can append all the slides of the specified presentation document to the current document by using the following codes:
Here the slides of the documents "presentation.odp" will be appended to "document".

            PresentationDocument presentationmodel;

Change Presentation Mode
We can switch the mode presentation documents by using the following codes. Here the first one convert the presentation document to a template, and the second one convert the template to a normal presentation document.


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