Package org.apache.mina.protocol

High-level protocol implementation layer (Protocol layer).


Interface Summary
ProtocolAcceptor Accepts incoming connection, communicates with clients, and fires events to ProtocolHandlers.
ProtocolCodecFactory Provides ProtocolEncoder and ProtocolDecoder which translates binary or protocol specific data into message object and vice versa.
ProtocolConnector Connects to endpoint, communicates with the server, and fires events to ProtocolProviders.
ProtocolDecoder Decodes binary or protocol-specific data into higher-level message objects.
ProtocolDecoderOutput Callback for ProtocolDecoder to generate decoded messages.
ProtocolEncoder Encodes higher-level message objects into binary or protocol-specific data.
ProtocolEncoderOutput Callback for ProtocolEncoder to generate encoded ByteBuffers.
ProtocolFilter A filter which intercepts ProtocolHandler events like Servlet filters.
ProtocolHandler Handles all protocol events fired by MINA.
ProtocolProvider Provides a required information to implement high-level protocols.
ProtocolSession A Session which represents high-level protocol connection between two endpoints regardless of underlying transport types.
ProtocolSessionManager A SessionManager for Protocol layer.

Class Summary
AbstractProtocolFilterChain An abstract implementation of ProtocolFilterChain that provides common operations for developers to extend protocol layer.
ProtocolFilterAdapter An abstract adapter class for ProtocolFilter.
ProtocolHandlerAdapter An abstract adapter class for ProtocolHandler.
ProtocolSessionFilterChain An IoFilterChain that forwards filterWrite requests to the specified IoSessionManagerFilterChain.
ProtocolSessionManagerFilterChain An ProtocolFilterChain that forwards all events except filterWrite to the ProtocolSessionFilterChain of the recipient session.
SimpleProtocolDecoderOutput A ProtocolDecoderOutput based on queue.
SimpleProtocolEncoderOutput A ProtocolEncoderOutput based on queue.

Exception Summary
ProtocolViolationException An exception that is thrown when ProtocolEncoder cannot understand or failed to validate the specified message, or when ProtocolDecoder cannot understand or failed to validate the specified ByteBuffer content.

Package org.apache.mina.protocol Description

High-level protocol implementation layer (Protocol layer).

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