001    package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.synergy.util;
003    /*
004     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
005     * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
006     * distributed with this work for additional information
007     * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
008     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
009     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
010     * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
011     *
012     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
013     *
014     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
015     * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
017     * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
018     * specific language governing permissions and limitations
019     * under the License.
020     */
022    import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException;
023    import org.apache.maven.scm.log.ScmLogger;
025    /**
026     * In some Synergy versions (ie. 6.5) closing a session results in de-selecting
027     * the current (default) task. Therefore, the maven release-plugin fails, as the
028     * Synergy commands, as implemented in the Synergy-SCM-Provider, always close
029     * their session after being executed.<br>
030     * This manager circumvents this problem by storing the last created task which
031     * causes all check outs to be associated with it. Then, when this task gets
032     * checked in, all associated files get checked in as well.
033     * 
034     * @author <a href="jan.malcomess@steria-mummert.de">Jan Malcomess</a>
035     * @since 1.5
036     */
037    public class SynergyTaskManager
038    {
039        /**
040         * No Synergy-Task was created yet.
041         */
042        private final static short TASK_STATE_NONE = 0;
044        /**
045         * The current Synergy-Task is created but not yet completed.
046         */
047        private final static short TASK_STATE_CREATED = 1;
049        /**
050         * The current Synergy-Task is completed.
051         */
052        private final static short TASK_STATE_COMPLETED = 2;
054        /**
055         * singleton instance.
056         */
057        private final static SynergyTaskManager INSTANCE = new SynergyTaskManager();
059        /**
060         * The number of the current Synergy-Task.
061         */
062        private int currentTaskNumber;
064        /**
065         * The state of the current Synergy-Task.
066         */
067        private short currentTaskState = TASK_STATE_NONE;
069        /**
070         * @return singleton instance.
071         */
072        public static SynergyTaskManager getInstance()
073        {
074            return INSTANCE;
075        }
077        /**
078         * If necessary create a new task. Otherwise return the current task.
079         * 
080         * @param logger a logger.
081         * @param synopsis short description of task.
082         * @param release release.
083         * @param defaultTask should this task become the default task?
084         * @param ccmAddr current Synergy session ID. Used to run in multi-session.
085         * @return Task number
086         * @throws ScmException
087         */
088        public int createTask( ScmLogger logger, String synopsis, String release, boolean defaultTask, String ccmAddr )
089            throws ScmException
090        {
091            if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
092            {
093                logger.debug( "Synergy : Entering createTask method of SynergyTaskManager" );
094            }
095            switch ( currentTaskState )
096            {
097                case TASK_STATE_CREATED:
098                    if ( defaultTask )
099                    {
100                        // make sure the current task is the default task
101                        if ( SynergyUtil.getDefaultTask( logger, ccmAddr ) != currentTaskNumber )
102                        {
103                            SynergyUtil.setDefaultTask( logger, currentTaskNumber, ccmAddr );
104                        }
105                    }
106                    break;
107                case TASK_STATE_NONE: // fall through
108                case TASK_STATE_COMPLETED:
109                    currentTaskNumber = SynergyUtil.createTask( logger, synopsis, release, defaultTask, ccmAddr );
110                    currentTaskState = TASK_STATE_CREATED;
111                    break;
112                default:
113                    throw new IllegalStateException( "Programming error: SynergyTaskManager is in unkown state." );
114            }
115            if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
116            {
117                logger.debug( "createTask returns " + currentTaskNumber );
118            }
119            return currentTaskNumber;
120        }
122        /**
123         * Check in (that is: complete) the default task. This is either the current task managed by
124         * <code>SynergyTaskManager</code> or, if none is managed, the default task.<br>
125         * In case no task has yet been created by <code>SynergyTaskManager</code> AND no default task is set, then this is
126         * an error.<br>
127         * However, if the task that was created by <code>SynergyTaskManager</code> has already been checked in AND no
128         * default task is set, then it is assumed that all files that were checked out are already checked in because
129         * checking in a task checks in all files associated with it.
130         * 
131         * @param logger a logger.
132         * @param comment a comment for checkin.
133         * @param ccmAddr current Synergy session ID. Used to run in multi-session.
134         * @throws ScmException
135         */
136        public void checkinDefaultTask( ScmLogger logger, String comment, String ccmAddr )
137            throws ScmException
138        {
139            if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
140            {
141                logger.debug( "Synergy : Entering checkinDefaultTask method of SynergyTaskManager" );
142            }
143            switch ( currentTaskState )
144            {
145                case TASK_STATE_NONE:
146                    // if a default task is set, then check in that
147                    // otherwise we have an error
148                    if ( SynergyUtil.getDefaultTask( logger, ccmAddr ) != 0 )
149                    {
150                        SynergyUtil.checkinDefaultTask( logger, comment, ccmAddr );
151                    }
152                    else
153                    {
154                        throw new ScmException(
155                                                "Check in not possible: no default task is set and no task has been created with SynergyTaskManager." );
156                    }
157                    break;
158                case TASK_STATE_CREATED:
159                    SynergyUtil.checkinTask( logger, currentTaskNumber, comment, ccmAddr );
160                    currentTaskState = TASK_STATE_COMPLETED;
161                    break;
162                case TASK_STATE_COMPLETED:
163                    // if a default task is set, then check in that
164                    // otherwise do nothing, as all tasks and all files with them have
165                    // been checked in
166                    if ( SynergyUtil.getDefaultTask( logger, ccmAddr ) != 0 )
167                    {
168                        SynergyUtil.checkinDefaultTask( logger, comment, ccmAddr );
169                    }
170                    else
171                    {
172                        if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
173                        {
174                            logger.debug( "Synergy : No check in necessary as default task and all tasks created with SynergyTaskManager have already been checked in." );
175                        }
176                    }
177                    break;
178                default:
179                    throw new IllegalStateException( "Programming error: SynergyTaskManager is in unkown state." );
180            }
181        }
182    }