
Per-directory repository metadata. Notice that most metadata content has a meaning when the directory represents an un-versioned artifact (groupId, artifactId, versioning), but plugins is used when the directory represents a group.

<metadata xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  modelVersion=.. >



No description.

Attribute Type Description
modelVersion String The version of the underlying metadata model.
Element Type Description
groupId String The groupId that this directory represents, if any.
artifactId String The artifactId that this directory represents, if any.
version String The version that this directory represents, if any.
versioning Versioning Versioning information for the artifact.
plugins/plugin* List<Plugin> (Many) The set of plugin mappings for the group represented by this directory


Versioning information for an artifact

Element Type Description
latest String What the latest version in the directory is, including snapshots
release String What the latest version in the directory is, of the releases
snapshot Snapshot The current snapshot data in use for this version
versions/version* List<String> (Many) Versions available for the artifact
lastUpdated String When the metadata was last updated
snapshotVersions/snapshotVersion* List<SnapshotVersion> (Many) The snapshot versions available for the artifact.


Snapshot data for the current version

Element Type Description
timestamp String The time it was deployed
buildNumber int The incremental build number
Default value is: 0.
localCopy boolean Whether to use a local copy instead (with filename that includes the base version)
Default value is: false.


Versioning information for a snapshot artifact.

Element Type Description
classifier String The classifier of the snapshot artifact this version information belongs to.
Default value is: .
extension String The file extension of the snapshot artifact this version information belongs to.
value String The resolved snapshot version of the artifact.
updated String The timestamp when this version information was last updated. The timestamp is expressed using UTC in the format yyyyMMddHHmmss.


Mapping information for a single plugin within this group

Element Type Description
name String Display name for the plugin.
prefix String The plugin invocation prefix (i.e. eclipse for eclipse:eclipse)
artifactId String The plugin artifactId