Marmalade Support


This document will track the design and implementation issues involved in adding support to m2 for marmalade-based mojos.

Design Notes

  1. Marmalade mojo descriptor specification.

    As in all mojo specifications, it is ideal that the descriptor for a marmalade-based mojo be inline with the source code. This centralizes all maintenance related to a single mojo to a single point of maintenance.

    The following is what I'm thinking as of now:

    - a marmalade-based mojo should look something like:

            <mojo xmlns="m2:mojo" xmlns:marmalade-control="marmalade:marmalade-control" marmalade-control:el="none">
                <description>Used to compile marmalade scripts into java beans.</description>
                    <description>The compilation classpath</description>
                <!-- Do some stuff. -->
    All empty elements above signify optional elements, usage specification.
  2. Marmalade mojo packager.

    The marmalade mojo packager will:

    1. Locate all *.mmld files within the scripts directory of the project.

      The scripts directory should be tied to the script language within the POM. Until we have multiple language support in the POM, we'll use something like: xpath(build/marmaladeSourceDirectory).

    2. For each script found:
      1. Execute the script with "gatherMetadata=true" in the context.
      2. Retrieve the mojo descriptor from the resulting "metadata" variable in the context.
      3. Cache the mojo descriptor in aggregator for subsequent output to plugin descriptor file.
    3. Copy all scripts to the target directory. Preserve relative paths.
    4. Process Disjoint: Allow other mojo-descriptor collectors to run, aggregating their descriptors in similar fashion to [b.iii] above.
    5. Use the project's dependencies and other info to form the plugin descriptor's header (non-mojo-specific info).
    6. Use the PluginGenerator from maven-plugin-tools to generate a META-INF/plexus/plugin.xml to the target directory.
    7. Continue with lifecycle.

      This may include compilation of java helper classes, etc. and plugin-artifact packaging, presumably via 'jar:jar' or similar.

  3. Marmalade mojo loader.

    The marmalade mojo loader will:

    1. Retrieve the implementation spec (this is the path of the script, relative to the root of the plugin filesystem...jar, etc.) to $path.
    2. Use the context classloader to retrieve a reader to $path.
    3. Build the ScriptBuilder corresponding to the script.
    4. Create a new MarmaladeMojo instance which adapts the mojo calling semantics to the creation/execution of a marmalade script.

      Execution involves:

      1. Creating a new MarmaladeScript instance.
      2. Creating an execution context which references all I/O from the main Maven execution thread, and embeds:

        - #request == MavenExecutionRequest

        - #response == MavenExecutionResponse

        - Any globally configured environmental constraints, such as a global preserve-whitespace setting

      3. Execution of the script using the execution context.
      4. Export of the resulting context, minus any surviving input variables, to the MavenExecutionResponse's out-params.

Implementation Issues

  1. How do we make Maven smart enough to switch loader implementations based on some sub-type of maven-plugin?

    This is important, since the default mojo loader will not be smart enough to do the job, and embedding this behavior in that loader is not scalable or extensible enough to accommodate future expansion into the realms of jython, groovy, etc...


    We'll plan on using some sort of language specification in the mojo descriptor to determine which mojo loader to use, then we'll populate the PluginLoader/PluginManager with a map of known languages->loaders.

  2. How do we make the plugin:install process smart enough to switch generator implementations based on some sub-type of maven-plugin?

    This is closely related to [1] above.


    See update in [3].

  3. Do we want to allow mixed-bag plugin implementations?

    These might include a mix of standard-java and marmalade mojos. It strikes me that many marmalade-based mojos may use beans/tags that are actually adapter classes for other third-party APIs (why they wouldn't implement everything as java mojos in this cases is beyond me). If they have java source inside the plugin source directory, we should probably compile it and bundle it with the plugin scripts; but what if this source also has mojo annotations? This will have implications for [1] and [2] above.


    We will plan on allowing this sort of implementation, and simply start by applying all known generators which have a source directory set in the POM (or later, have a language/ section, maybe). At any rate, helper classes will be allowed for script-based mojos.