Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


Files Infos Infos Warnings Warnings Errors Errors
64 42 409 228


Files Infos Warnings Errors
org/apache/maven/artifact/ 10 43 23
org/apache/maven/artifact/ 0 5 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/ 0 9 4
org/apache/maven/artifact/ 0 58 46
org/apache/maven/artifact/ 0 1 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/ 0 9 1
org/apache/maven/artifact/ 0 1 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/deployer/ 1 0 1
org/apache/maven/artifact/deployer/ 0 3 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/factory/ 1 12 2
org/apache/maven/artifact/factory/ 0 14 3
org/apache/maven/artifact/handler/ 1 7 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/handler/ 0 10 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/handler/manager/ 1 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/handler/manager/ 0 3 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/installer/ 0 3 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/installer/ 1 0 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/metadata/ 1 5 1
org/apache/maven/artifact/metadata/ 0 8 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/metadata/ 0 6 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/metadata/ 1 6 2
org/apache/maven/artifact/metadata/ 0 4 1
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/ 0 14 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/ 1 4 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/ 7 9 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/layout/ 1 3 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/layout/ 0 3 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/layout/ 0 3 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/metadata/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/metadata/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/metadata/ 0 2 2
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/metadata/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/repository/metadata/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 15 12
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 2 1
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 5 7
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 6 2
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 6 5
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 1 8 1
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 2 44
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 3 2
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 12 11 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/ 0 21 8
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/conflict/ 1 0 2
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/filter/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/filter/ 0 1 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/filter/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/filter/ 0 3 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/filter/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/filter/ 0 2 1
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/filter/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/resolver/filter/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/transform/ 1 4 4
org/apache/maven/artifact/transform/ 1 4 4
org/apache/maven/artifact/versioning/ 0 6 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/versioning/ 0 11 7
org/apache/maven/artifact/versioning/ 0 1 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/versioning/ 0 2 24
org/apache/maven/artifact/versioning/ 0 2 0
org/apache/maven/artifact/versioning/ 0 9 2
org/apache/maven/artifact/versioning/ 0 16 16


Rules Violations Severity
  • option: "nl"
5 Errors Error
  • option: "alone"
2 Errors Error
  • ignorePattern: "@version|@see|@todo|TODO"
  • max: "120"
28 Errors Error
MemberName 0 Errors Error
  • scope: "protected"
398 Warnings Warning
  • scope: "protected"
8 Errors Error
  • scope: "protected"
42 Infos Info
ConstantName 0 Errors Error
LocalFinalVariableName 0 Errors Error
LocalVariableName 0 Errors Error
MethodName 0 Errors Error
PackageName 0 Errors Error
ParameterName 0 Errors Error
StaticVariableName 0 Errors Error
TypeName 0 Errors Error
  • headerFile: "target/checkstyle-header.txt"
2 Errors Error
AvoidStarImport 0 Errors Error
IllegalImport 0 Errors Error
RedundantImport 0 Errors Error
UnusedImports 1 Errors Error
FileLength 0 Errors Error
MethodLength 1 Errors Error
ParameterNumber 14 Errors Error
  • option: "space"
0 Errors Error
OperatorWrap 13 Errors Error
  • option: "space"
48 Errors Error
TabCharacter 0 Errors Error
WhitespaceAfter 6 Errors Error
WhitespaceAround 81 Errors Error
ModifierOrder 0 Errors Error
RedundantModifier 1 Errors Error
AvoidNestedBlocks 0 Errors Error
  • option: "text"
0 Errors Error
NeedBraces 0 Errors Error
DoubleCheckedLocking 0 Errors Error
EmptyStatement 0 Errors Error
EqualsHashCode 0 Errors Error
  • ignoreConstructorParameter: "true"
  • ignoreSetter: "true"
11 Warnings Warning
IllegalInstantiation 0 Errors Error
InnerAssignment 0 Errors Error
  • ignoreNumbers: "-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 32, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512, 1000, 1024"
14 Errors Error
MissingSwitchDefault 0 Errors Error
RedundantThrows 2 Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression 1 Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn 0 Errors Error
InterfaceIsType 1 Errors Error
  • packageAllowed: "true"
  • protectedAllowed: "true"
0 Errors Error
UpperEll 0 Errors Error



Violation Message Line
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 42
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 42
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 42
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 57
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 59
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 65
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 67
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 69
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 71
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 84
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 87
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 89
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 91
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 93
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'baseVersion'. 98
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 102
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 104
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 106
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 108
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 108
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 108
Errors '?' is not preceded with whitespace. 108
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 108
Errors '?' is not followed by whitespace. 108
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 110
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 110
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 110
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 110
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 112
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 114
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 116
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 118
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 120
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 122
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 124
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 126
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 131
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 131
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 131
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 136
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 136
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 136
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 138
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 140
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 142
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 144
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 146
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 148
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 150
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 152
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 154
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 156
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'handler'. 161
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 163
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 165
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 167
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 167
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 167
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 167
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 169
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 169
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 169
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 169
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 171
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 173
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 175
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 178


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 94
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 111
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 116
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 121


Violation Message Line
Errors Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Errors '&&' should be on a new line. 41
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 42
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 59
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 77
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Errors '+' should be on a new line. 85
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 89
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 106
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 123


Violation Message Line
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 74
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 74
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 74
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 84
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 84
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 84
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 86
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 86
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 86
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 90
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 96
Errors More than 7 parameters. 96
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 157
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 162
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 167
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 172
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 177
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 182
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 187
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 194
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 199
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 204
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 209
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 214
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 223
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 228
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 249
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 253
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 253
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 253
Errors '>' is not followed by whitespace. 253
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 267
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 267
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 267
Errors '?' is not preceded with whitespace. 267
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 267
Errors '?' is not followed by whitespace. 267
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 269
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 269
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 269
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 285
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 285
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 285
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 285
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 287
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 287
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 287
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 304
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 330
Errors '17' is a magic number. 332
Errors '37' is a magic number. 333
Errors '37' is a magic number. 334
Errors '37' is a magic number. 335
Errors '37' is a magic number. 338
Errors '37' is a magic number. 340
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 344
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 384
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 397
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 407
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 412
Warnings 'baseVersion' hides a field. 412
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 425
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 465
Warnings 'version' hides a field. 465
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 471
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 476
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 481
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 486
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 491
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 496
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 496
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 496
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 496
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 501
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 501
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 501
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 501
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 506
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 511
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 524
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 544
Warnings 'version' hides a field. 544
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 550
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 555
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 560
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 572
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 577
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 582
Warnings 'version' hides a field. 582
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 588
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 593
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 598
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 603
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 603
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 603
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 603
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 608
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 608
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 608
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 608
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 613
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 618
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 624
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 630


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 32


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 45
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 66
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 71
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 76
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 81
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 86


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 31


Violation Message Line
Errors Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 29


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 39


Violation Message Line
Errors Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Errors More than 7 parameters. 44
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 57


Violation Message Line
Errors Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 67
Errors More than 7 parameters. 67
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 73
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 78
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 83
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 88
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 93
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 98
Errors More than 7 parameters. 120
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 162


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 42


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 68
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 73
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 91
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 96
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 106


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 55


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 39


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 33


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 62


Violation Message Line
Warnings Expected an @return tag. 38
Warnings Expected an @return tag. 43
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'RepositoryMetadataStoreException'. 84
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 86


Violation Message Line
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'message'. 39
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'cause'. 47
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'message'. 55
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'cause'. 55
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 66


Violation Message Line
Errors Unused import - org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion. 24
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Warnings Expected an @return tag. 45
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'artifact'. 45
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'localRepository'. 45
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'remoteRepositories'. 45
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException'. 46
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 57


Violation Message Line
Errors Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 53


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 60


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 75
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 80
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 85
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 90
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 95
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 100
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 105


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 37


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 88


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 74


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36


Violation Message Line
Errors ';' is not followed by whitespace. 1
Errors Line does not match expected header line of '^\s*$'. 2
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
Errors More than 7 parameters. 58
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Errors More than 7 parameters. 64
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 65
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 79
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 84
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 89
Errors ',' is not followed by whitespace. 93
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 97
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 102
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 107
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 112
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 117
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 138
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 143
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 148
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 209
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 209
Errors More than 7 parameters. 209
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 249
Errors '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 249
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 249
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 274
Errors '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 274
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 274
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 293


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Errors More than 7 parameters. 45


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 48
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 52
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Errors More than 7 parameters. 52
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 55
Errors ',' is not followed by whitespace. 55
Errors More than 7 parameters. 61
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 64
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 70


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Errors More than 7 parameters. 33
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Errors ',' is not followed by whitespace. 42
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 60


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 57
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 62
Warnings 'resolutionNodes' hides a field. 62
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 70
Errors '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 72
Errors '+' is not followed by whitespace. 72
Errors '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 72
Errors '+' is not followed by whitespace. 72
Errors '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 72


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 62
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 70
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 78
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 86
Errors More than 7 parameters. 86
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 96


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 41


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Errors More than 7 parameters. 61
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 74
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 126
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 127
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 143
Errors Method length is 298 lines (max allowed is 150). 143
Errors More than 7 parameters. 143
Errors Redundant throws: 'CyclicDependencyException' is subclass of 'ArtifactResolutionException'. 146
Errors Redundant throws: 'OverConstrainedVersionException' is subclass of 'ArtifactResolutionException'. 146
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 154
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 196
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 215
Errors '+' should be on a new line. 215
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 223
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 224
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 224
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 230
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 230
Errors '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 230
Errors '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 230
Errors '+' is not followed by whitespace. 230
Errors '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 230
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 230
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 258
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 371
Errors '+' should be on a new line. 371
Errors '+' should be on a new line. 375
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 388
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 398
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 433
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 437
Errors '||' should be on a new line. 488
Errors '&&' should be on a new line. 495
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 566
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 566
Errors '{' should be on a new line. 566
Errors '}' should be alone on a line. 569
Errors '{' should be on a new line. 569
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 574
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 574
Errors '{' should be on a new line. 574
Errors '}' should be alone on a line. 577
Errors '{' should be on a new line. 577
Errors '||' should be on a new line. 585


Violation Message Line
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 41
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'originatingArtifact'. 41
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'missingArtifacts'. 41
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'remoteRepositories'. 41
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 94


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 62
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 66
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 68
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 70
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 72
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 74
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 76
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 78
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'artifact'. 83
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'replacement'. 83
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 92
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 103
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 105


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38


Violation Message Line
Errors Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 72
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 77
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 87
Warnings 'remoteRepositories' hides a field. 87
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'OverConstrainedVersionException'. 120
Warnings 'artifact' hides a field. 127
Warnings 'artifact' hides a field. 142
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 149
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 149
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 155
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 155
Errors '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 155
Errors ',' is not followed by whitespace. 155
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 155
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 167
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 172
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 177
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 182
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 187
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 192
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 197
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 211
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 224
Warnings 'artifact' hides a field. 232
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 242


Violation Message Line
Errors interfaces should describe a type and hence have methods. 26
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Errors Redundant 'static' modifier. 28


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 53


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 30


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 41


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 47


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 43


Violation Message Line
Errors Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 35


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 80


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 37


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 48
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 48
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 48
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 48
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactResolutionException'. 49
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactNotFoundException'. 49
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactInstallationException'. 59
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactDeploymentException'. 71


Violation Message Line
Infos Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Errors Line is longer than 120 characters. 46
Errors '<' is not preceded with whitespace. 46
Errors '<' is not followed by whitespace. 46
Errors '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 46
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactResolutionException'. 47
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactNotFoundException'. 47
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactInstallationException'. 57
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'ArtifactDeploymentException'. 69


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 42


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 107
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 112
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 117
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 122
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 127
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 132
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 237
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 242
Errors Expression can be simplified. 249
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 257
Errors '1229' is a magic number. 259
Errors '1223' is a magic number. 261
Errors '1223' is a magic number. 262
Errors '1223' is a magic number. 263
Errors '1223' is a magic number. 264
Errors '1223' is a magic number. 268


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 31


Violation Message Line
Errors Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 28
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 28
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 31
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 31
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 33
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 33
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 39
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 39
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 41
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 41
Errors 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 43
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 44
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 44
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 44
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 44
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 44
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 44
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 44
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 44
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 45
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 45
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 47
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 47


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 41


Violation Message Line
Errors Line does not match expected header line of '^/\*\s*$'. 3
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 65
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 70
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 100
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 129
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 136
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 179


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 57
Warnings Expected @throws tag for 'InvalidVersionSpecificationException'. 91
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 217
Warnings Unused @throws tag for 'NullPointerException'. 246
Warnings 'restrictions' hides a field. 253
Errors '&&' should be on a new line. 277
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 291
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 291
Warnings 'restrictions' hides a field. 309
Errors '||' should be on a new line. 318
Errors '||' should be on a new line. 321
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 456
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 476
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 494
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 518
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 538
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 551
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 556
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 558
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 558
Errors '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 558
Errors '{' should be on a new line. 558
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 561
Errors '(' is not followed by whitespace. 561
Errors ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 561
Errors '||' should be on a new line. 568
Errors '||' should be on a new line. 571
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 576
Errors '31' is a magic number. 579
Errors '31' is a magic number. 580