Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Total number of occurrences
@todo 15

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 15

org.apache.maven.project.DefaultMavenProjectBuilder Line
move to metadatasource itself? */ 350
can this take in a model instead of a project and still be successful? 963
In fact, does project REALLY need a MavenProject as a parent? Couldn't it have just a wrapper around a model that supported parents which were also the wrapper so that inheritence was assembled. We don't really need the resolved source roots, etc for the parent - that occurs for the parent when it is constructed independently and projects are not cached or reused 964
We need to find an effective way to unit test parts of this method! 1156
Refactor this into smaller methods with discrete purposes. 1157
org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject Line
I would like to get rid of this. jvz. 402
the lazy initialisation of this makes me uneasy. 1644
org.apache.maven.project.ProjectClasspathTest Line
relocate to maven-artifact in entirety 28
org.apache.maven.project.artifact.ActiveProjectArtifact Line
I think this exposes a design flaw in that the immutable and mutable parts of an artifact are in one class and should be split. ie scope, file, etc depend on the context of use, whereas everything else is immutable. 42
org.apache.maven.project.artifact.MavenMetadataSource Line
desperately needs refactoring. It's just here because it's implementation is maven-project specific 407
org.apache.maven.project.inheritance.DefaultModelInheritanceAssembler Line
generate this with modello to keep it in sync with changes in the model. 48
org.apache.maven.project.interpolation.AbstractStringBasedModelInterpolator Line
Consolidate this logic with the PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator, minus deprecations/bans. 62
Remove the throws clause. 105
org.apache.maven.project.interpolation.RegexBasedModelInterpolator Line
Consolidate this logic with the PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator, minus deprecations/bans. 34
org.apache.maven.project.overlay.BuildOverlay Line
why delegate? this is asking for trouble when there are additions. 33


Number of occurrences found in the code: 49

org.apache.maven.project.DefaultMavenProjectBuilder Line
remove 145
make it a component 166
mkleint - use the (Container, Properties) constructor to make system properties embeddable 271
such a call in MavenMetadataSource too - packaging not really the intention of type 371
this is gross. Would like to give it the whole model, but maven-artifact shouldn't depend on that Can a maven-core implementation of the Artifact interface store it, and be used in the exceptions? 579
configurable actions dependant on status 666
re-enable [MNG-798/865] 671
not correct in some instances 716
the aRWR can get out of sync with project.model.repositories. We should do all the processing of profiles, etc on the models then recreate the aggregated sets at the end from the project repositories (they must still be created along the way so that parent poms can be discovered, however) Use a TreeSet to ensure ordering is retained 772
maybe not strictly correct, while we should enfore that packaging has a type handler of the same id, we don't 1025
these aren't taking active project artifacts into consideration in the reactor 1093
mkleint - use the (Container, Properties constructor to make system properties embeddable 1178
share with createPluginArtifacts? 1696
share with createPluginArtifacts? 1742
MNG-3731 1897
org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject Line
let the scope handler deal with this 555
classpath check doesn't belong here - that's the other method 574
let the scope handler deal with this 577
let the scope handler deal with this 603
let the scope handler deal with this NOTE: [jc] scope == 'test' is the widest possible scope, so we don't really need to perform this check... if ( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals( a.getScope() ) || Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE.equals( a.getScope() ) || Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME.equals( a.getScope() ) ) { } 637
classpath check doesn't belong here - that's the other method 663
let the scope handler deal with this NOTE: [jc] scope == 'test' is the widest possible scope, so we don't really need to perform this check... if ( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals( a.getScope() ) || Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE.equals( a.getScope() ) || Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME.equals( a.getScope() ) ) { list.add( a ); } 666
let the scope handler deal with this NOTE: [jc] scope == 'test' is the widest possible scope, so we don't really need to perform this check... if ( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals( a.getScope() ) || Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE.equals( a.getScope() ) || Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME.equals( a.getScope() ) ) { } 696
let the scope handler deal with this 731
classpath check doesn't belong here - that's the other method 754
let the scope handler deal with this 757
let the scope handler deal with this 782
let the scope handler deal with this 813
classpath check doesn't belong here - that's the other method 831
let the scope handler deal with this 834
let the scope handler deal with this 859
this should not be allowed to be null. 930
org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectDynamismTest Line
MNG-3731 assertTrue( build.getScriptSourceDirectory() + " doesn't start with base-path: " + basepath, build.getScriptSourceDirectory().startsWith( basepath ) ); 72
org.apache.maven.project.ModelUtils Line
it's pretty much a copy of {@link #mergePluginLists(PluginContainer, PluginContainer, boolean)} 610
org.apache.maven.project.ProjectSorter Line
Shouldn't we add an edge between the plugin and its dependency? Note that doing this may result in cycles...run ProjectSorterTest.testPluginDependenciesInfluenceSorting_DeclarationInParent() for more information, if you change this: 163
!![jc; 28-jul-2005] check this; if we're using '-r' and there are aggregator tasks, this will result in weirdness. 209
org.apache.maven.project.ProjectUtils Line
make this a map inside the factory instead, so no lookup needed 77
make this a map inside the factory instead, so no lookup needed 109
org.apache.maven.project.artifact.MavenMetadataSource Line
can we just modify the original? 151
this could come straight from the project, negating the need to set it in the project itself? 312
we could possibly use p.getDependencyArtifacts instead of this call, but they haven't been filtered or used the inherited scope (should that be passed to the buildFromRepository method above?) 330
org.apache.maven.project.inheritance.DefaultModelInheritanceAssembler Line
This should eventually be migrated to DefaultPathTranslator. 474
Move this to plexus-utils' PathTool. 515
org.apache.maven.project.inheritance.DefaultModelInheritanceAssemblerTest Line
this is probably what we should be appending... child.setUrl( "/child.dir" ); 65
test inheritence/super pom? List childExcludesTest = child.getBuild().getUnitTest().getExcludes(); 346
a lot easier if modello generated equals() :) 496
a lot easier if modello generated equals() :) 512
a lot easier if modello generated equals() :) 527
org.apache.maven.project.path.DefaultPathTranslator Line
MNG-3731 build.setScriptSourceDirectory( alignToBaseDirectory( build.getScriptSourceDirectory(), basedir ) ); 61