Creating a Skin for the Maven 2 Site Plugin


A Maven 2 site skin contains the following elements:

  • Resources to copy into each project (such as images used by the CSS)
  • A maven-theme.css file, containing the visual styling.
  • An optional Velocity template for an alternate HTML rendering of the site.


A skin is built like any other JAR - with a packaging of jar. No additional plugins are needed.

Resources should be put in the normal src/main/resources directory.

Once the JAR is built and deployed, it can be used by projects.

Constructing the CSS

More information is needed here on constructing the CSS.

If you are interested in constructing your own CSS, it is recommended that you copy an existing skin's maven-theme.css file and modify it to suit your needs.

Customizing the HTML output with a Velocity template

Details on the velocity template variables and use should be included.

The format of the velocity template is currently out of scope for this document. To attempt this, start by copying default-site.vm from the doxia-site-renderer JAR and modify it to your needs.

------ Maven 2 Site Plugin ------ Brett Porter ------ May 11, 2005 ------

Creating a Skin for the Maven 2 Site Plugin


A Maven 2 site skin contains the following elements:

  • Resources to copy into each project (such as images used by the CSS)
  • A maven-theme.css file, containing the visual styling.
  • An optional Velocity template for an alternate HTML rendering of the site.


A skin is built like any other JAR - with a packaging of jar. No additional plugins are needed.

Resources should be put in the normal src/main/resources directory.

Once the JAR is built and deployed, it can be used by projects.

Constructing the CSS

More information is needed here on constructing the CSS.

If you are interested in constructing your own CSS, it is recommended that you copy an existing skin's maven-theme.css file and modify it to suit your needs.

Customizing the HTML output with a Velocity template

Details on the velocity template variables and use should be included.

The format of the velocity template is currently out of scope for this document. To attempt this, start by copying default-site.vm from the doxia-site-renderer JAR and modify it to your needs.