JIRA Report

Type Key Summary By Status Resolution Fix Version
Bug MPIR-48 Internal html references are not generated in the team-list.html Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-49 team-list.html is not correctly generated when table is to large Vincent Siveton Closed Won't Fix 2.1
Bug MPIR-52 Wrong text on scm page for svn protocol Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-53 there is no info about project-info-reports:summary in documentation Vincent Siveton Closed Duplicate 2.1
Bug MPIR-57 URLs only link if they are FQDNs Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-59 Site generation exception for french language, error with simple quote in translation "S'inscrire" for mailing list Arnaud Heritier Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-60 Current head throws NPE when generating reports Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-65 Direct report generation breaks on skin version even though it is specified Vincent Siveton Closed Cannot Reproduce 2.1
Bug MPIR-66 When run standalone, project metadata is missing Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-70 NullPointerException when generating Dependencies report Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-75 Typing mistake in properties file Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-76 Dependencies report is incorrect Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-79 Add explicit resource bundle for English Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-81 DependenciesRenderer logs Exception when it can't find the artifact being built!!! Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-84 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when ML archive dont finish with a / Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-89 Bad spelling in Project Information => Overview => Dependencies Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-90 Bad style in text "Access from behind a firewall" Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-91 Bad spelling in text "Access through a proxy" Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-92 Wrong encoding in german properties Benjamin Bentmann Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-96 Switched link text and target in license report Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-98 Team list does not contain anchors on user ids Unassigned Closed Duplicate 2.1
Bug MPIR-99 Strange warnings when generating Plugin Management report Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-104 Regression in 2.1-SNAPSHOT: SVN is no more recognized Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-106 Regression in 2.1-SNAPSHOT, the Project Dependencies and the Project Transitive Dependencies are the same Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-109 Wrong description of in source repository overview Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-119 Dependency Repository Locations in Dependency Report doesn't allow snapshot artifacts url from the snapshot repositories Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-122 Brazilian Portuguese language bundle - encoding problems and improvements Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-123 Hungarian language bundle - encoding problems and improvements Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-124 License report is empty in offline Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-129 Duplicate entries of the same artifact in Licenses section of Dependencies report Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Bug MPIR-130 No mark or link to SNAPSHOT artifacts in Dependency Repository Locations section of Dependencies report Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-28 improve convergence report Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-46 Sample reports are out of date Vincent Siveton Closed Duplicate 2.1
Improvement MPIR-47 Dependency Report does not show origin of transitive dependency Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-54 Team list table improvement Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-56 Refactor the dependencies report Marvin King Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-58 The sandbox component Jar has been renamed to JarAnalyzer Joakim Erdfelt Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-61 [PATCH] Updated CI Systems Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-62 [PATCH] Dependency File Details : set right justification for numeric columns Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-64 Korean translation resource file Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-67 Please update the german localization. Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-69 add anchors for developers Unassigned Closed Duplicate 2.1
Improvement MPIR-72 Upgrade to doxia 1.0-alpha-9 Dennis Lundberg Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-82 Clarify usage of outputDirectory parameter Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-87 Show repositories an artifact is deployed to as a report Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-94 Change optional label in dependencies site Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-108 Add validation of SCM urls Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-110 Update code due to deprecated classes in maven-dependency-tree:1.1 Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-111 Make Classifier and Optional column in dependencies report "optional" in the renderer Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-112 Dependency Listings is too big: replace it by toogle entries in the dependency tree Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-113 Dependency Tree lists all dependencies: needs to reduce to dependencies used by the project Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-115 Make the Sealed column optional in dependencies report Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-116 Make the classifier column optional in dependencies management report Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-117 Replaced the table caption in the CI report Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1
Improvement MPIR-118 Equalize links to project web site for artifactId Vincent Siveton Closed Fixed 2.1