
Deploy the artifact in a Maven 1 remote repository.

Mojo Attributes :

  • Requires a Maven 2.0 project to execute.
  • Automatically executes within the lifecycle phase: deploy

Required Parameters

Name Type Description
remoteRepositoryId String The id to use in settings.xml if you want to configure server settings there. Default value is mavenOneRemoteRepository.
remoteRepositoryUrl String The URL to the remote repository.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Description
deployer ArtifactDeployer No description.
factory ArtifactRepositoryFactory No description.
legacyLayout ArtifactRepositoryLayout Whether the remote repository uses a legacy layout or not.

Parameter Details


No Description.

  • Type : org.apache.maven.artifact.deployer.ArtifactDeployer
  • Required : No


No Description.

  • Type : org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryFactory
  • Required : No


Whether the remote repository uses a legacy layout or not.

  • Type : org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout.ArtifactRepositoryLayout
  • Required : No


The id to use in settings.xml if you want to configure server settings there.

  • Type : java.lang.String
  • Required : Yes
  • Expression : ${remoteRepositoryId}
  • Default : mavenOneRemoteRepository


The URL to the remote repository.

  • Type : java.lang.String
  • Required : Yes
  • Expression : ${remoteRepositoryUrl}