CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.2.


File Line
org/apache/maven/plugin/jar/JarSignMojo.java 391
org/apache/maven/plugin/jar/JarSignVerifyMojo.java 213

  // taken from JavadocReport then slightly refactored
    // should probably share with other plugins that use $JAVA_HOME/bin tools

     * Get the path of jarsigner tool depending the OS.
     * @return the path of the jarsigner tool
    private String getJarsignerPath()
        return getJDKCommandPath( "jarsigner", getLog() );

    private static String getJDKCommandPath( String command, Log logger )
        String path = getJDKCommandExe(command).getAbsolutePath();
        logger.debug( command + " executable=[" + path + "]" );
        return path;

    private static File getJDKCommandExe( String command )
        String fullCommand = command + ( SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? ".exe" : "" );

        File exe;

        // For IBM's JDK 1.2
        if ( SystemUtils.IS_OS_AIX )
            exe = new File( SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + "/../sh", fullCommand );
        else if ( SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX )
            exe = new File( SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + "/bin", fullCommand );
            exe = new File( SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + "/../bin", fullCommand );

        return exe;

    // Helper methods. Could/should be shared e.g. with JavadocReport

     * Convenience method to add an argument to the <code>command line</code>
     * conditionally based on the given flag.
     * @param arguments
     * @param b the flag which controls if the argument is added or not.
     * @param value the argument value to be added.
    private void addArgIf( List arguments, boolean b, String value )
        if ( b )
            arguments.add( value );

     * Convenience method to add an argument to the <code>command line</code>
     * if the the value is not null or empty.
     * <p>
     * Moreover, the value could be comma separated.
     * @param arguments
     * @param key the argument name.
     * @param value the argument value to be added.
     * @see #addArgIfNotEmpty(java.util.List,String,String,boolean)
    private void addArgIfNotEmpty( List arguments, String key, String value )