
Full name:



Installs a file in the local repository.


  • Executes as an aggregator plugin.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
file File - The file to be installed in the local repository.
repositoryLayout String 2.2 The type of remote repository layout to install to. Try legacy for a Maven 1.x-style repository layout.
Default value is: default.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
artifactId String - ArtifactId of the artifact to be installed. Retrieved from POM file if one is specified.
classifier String 2.2 Classifier type of the artifact to be installed. For example, "sources" or "javadoc". Defaults to none which means this is the project's main artifact.
createChecksum boolean 2.2 Flag whether to create checksums (MD5, SHA-1) or not.
Default value is: false.
generatePom Boolean 2.1 Generate a minimal POM for the artifact if none is supplied via the parameter pomFile. Defaults to true if there is no existing POM in the local repository yet.
groupId String - GroupId of the artifact to be installed. Retrieved from POM file if one is specified.
javadoc File 2.3 The bundled API docs for the artifact.
localRepositoryPath File 2.2 The path for a specific local repository directory. If not specified the local repository path configured in the Maven settings will be used.
packaging String - Packaging type of the artifact to be installed. Retrieved from POM file if one is specified.
pomFile File 2.1 Location of an existing POM file to be installed alongside the main artifact, given by the file parameter.
sources File 2.3 The bundled sources for the artifact.
updateReleaseInfo boolean - Whether to update the metadata to make the artifact a release version.
Default value is: false.
version String - Version of the artifact to be installed. Retrieved from POM file if one is specified.

Parameter Details


ArtifactId of the artifact to be installed. Retrieved from POM file if one is specified.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${artifactId}


Classifier type of the artifact to be installed. For example, "sources" or "javadoc". Defaults to none which means this is the project's main artifact.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${classifier}


Flag whether to create checksums (MD5, SHA-1) or not.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${createChecksum}
  • Default: false


The file to be installed in the local repository.
  • Type:
  • Required: Yes
  • Expression: ${file}


Generate a minimal POM for the artifact if none is supplied via the parameter pomFile. Defaults to true if there is no existing POM in the local repository yet.
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Since: 2.1
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${generatePom}


GroupId of the artifact to be installed. Retrieved from POM file if one is specified.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${groupId}


The bundled API docs for the artifact.
  • Type:
  • Since: 2.3
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${javadoc}


The path for a specific local repository directory. If not specified the local repository path configured in the Maven settings will be used.
  • Type:
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${localRepositoryPath}


Packaging type of the artifact to be installed. Retrieved from POM file if one is specified.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${packaging}


Location of an existing POM file to be installed alongside the main artifact, given by the file parameter.
  • Type:
  • Since: 2.1
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${pomFile}


The type of remote repository layout to install to. Try legacy for a Maven 1.x-style repository layout.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: Yes
  • Expression: ${repositoryLayout}
  • Default: default


The bundled sources for the artifact.
  • Type:
  • Since: 2.3
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${sources}


Whether to update the metadata to make the artifact a release version.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${updateReleaseInfo}
  • Default: false


Version of the artifact to be installed. Retrieved from POM file if one is specified.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${version}