
The Ear plugin allows to generate automatically the descriptor deployment, e.g. application.xml. This generation is already customized by basic configuration items, see TODO: ADD A LINK HERE.

Ear modules might be further customized as follows:

  • contextRoot: the custom context root for a web application
  • bundleDir: the directory in the EAR structure where the artifact will be stored
  • bundleFileName: the name of the artifact in the EAR structure
  • uri: the complete path in the EAR structure for the artifact

Also, a dependency might be excluded from the generated EAR file by specifying the excluded flag.

Please note that third party libraries are not included in the generated application.xml (only ejb-client should be included in a java entry). However, a jar dependency could be included in the generated application.xml by specifying the includeInApplicationXml flag.

Customizing the context root

The sample below shows how to customize the context root of an artifact to be placed in the EAR file:


Customizing a module location

The sample below shows how to place a library in the APP-INF/lib directory of the EAR file:


Customizing a module file name

The sample below shows how to rename a module being placed in the EAR file:


Customizing a module uri

This is actually a combination of customizing the module's location and file name. The sample below shows how to specify the URI of a module being placed in the EAR file:


Excluding a module

If for some reason a dependency which is declared in the pom of the project needs to be excluded, the excluded flag could be used as follows:


Including a third party library in the generated application.xml

If third party libraries need to be included in the generated application.xml, the 'includeInApplicationXml' flag could be used. This flag works only for java modules.
