
Adds one or more language directories in the registry. The registered language directories are used to discriminate packaging directories from unpackaged ones based on their name during create-from-project.

Mojo Attributes :

    Optional Parameters

    Name Type Description
    archetypeRegistryFile File The location of the registry file.
    archetypeRegistryManager ArchetypeRegistryManager No description.
    language String The language directory to add to the registry.

    This option is mutually exclusive with language directories.
    languages String The language directories to add to the registry: lang1,lang2,...

    This option is mutually exclusive with language directory.

    Parameter Details


    The location of the registry file.

    • Type :
    • Required : No
    • Expression : ${user.home}/.m2/archetype.xml


    No Description.

    • Type : org.apache.maven.archetype.common.ArchetypeRegistryManager
    • Required : No


    The language directory to add to the registry.

    This option is mutually exclusive with language directories.

    • Type : java.lang.String
    • Required : No
    • Expression : ${language}


    The language directories to add to the registry: lang1,lang2,...

    This option is mutually exclusive with language directory.

    • Type : java.lang.String
    • Required : No
    • Expression : ${languages}