Class AbstractMavenExecutor

  extended by org.apache.maven.shared.release.exec.AbstractMavenExecutor
All Implemented Interfaces:
MavenExecutor, org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LogEnabled
Direct Known Subclasses:
ForkedMavenExecutor, InvokerMavenExecutor

public abstract class AbstractMavenExecutor
extends Object
implements MavenExecutor, org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LogEnabled

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.maven.shared.release.exec.MavenExecutor
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractMavenExecutor()
Method Summary
 void enableLogging(org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger logger)
protected abstract  void executeGoals(File workingDirectory, List<String> goals, ReleaseEnvironment releaseEnvironment, boolean interactive, String additionalArguments, String pomFileName, ReleaseResult result)
 void executeGoals(File workingDirectory, String goals, boolean interactive, String additionalArguments, ReleaseResult result)
          Execute goals using Maven.
 void executeGoals(File workingDirectory, String goals, boolean interactive, String additionalArguments, String pomFileName, ReleaseResult result)
          Execute goals using Maven.
 void executeGoals(File workingDirectory, String goals, ReleaseEnvironment releaseEnvironment, boolean interactive, String arguments, ReleaseResult result)
          Execute goals using Maven.
 void executeGoals(File workingDirectory, String goals, ReleaseEnvironment releaseEnvironment, boolean interactive, String additionalArguments, String pomFileName, ReleaseResult result)
          Execute goals using Maven.
protected  org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger getLogger()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractMavenExecutor()
Method Detail


public void executeGoals(File workingDirectory,
                         String goals,
                         boolean interactive,
                         String additionalArguments,
                         String pomFileName,
                         ReleaseResult result)
                  throws MavenExecutorException
Execute goals using Maven.

Specified by:
executeGoals in interface MavenExecutor
workingDirectory - the directory to execute in
goals - the goals to run (space delimited)
interactive - whether to execute in interactive mode, or the default batch mode
additionalArguments - additional arguments to pass to the Maven command
pomFileName - the file name of the POM to execute on
result - holds all results of the execution
MavenExecutorException - if an error occurred executing Maven


public void executeGoals(File workingDirectory,
                         String goals,
                         boolean interactive,
                         String additionalArguments,
                         ReleaseResult result)
                  throws MavenExecutorException
Execute goals using Maven.

Specified by:
executeGoals in interface MavenExecutor
workingDirectory - the directory to execute in
goals - the goals to run (space delimited)
interactive - whether to execute in interactive mode, or the default batch mode
additionalArguments - additional arguments to pass to the Maven command
result - holds all results of the execution
MavenExecutorException - if an error occurred executing Maven


public void executeGoals(File workingDirectory,
                         String goals,
                         ReleaseEnvironment releaseEnvironment,
                         boolean interactive,
                         String arguments,
                         ReleaseResult result)
                  throws MavenExecutorException
Execute goals using Maven.

Specified by:
executeGoals in interface MavenExecutor
workingDirectory - the directory to execute in
goals - the goals to run (space delimited)
releaseEnvironment - the environmental settings, maven-home, etc used for this release
interactive - whether to execute in interactive mode, or the default batch mode
arguments - additional arguments to pass to the Maven command
result - holds all results of the execution
MavenExecutorException - if an error occurred executing Maven


public void executeGoals(File workingDirectory,
                         String goals,
                         ReleaseEnvironment releaseEnvironment,
                         boolean interactive,
                         String additionalArguments,
                         String pomFileName,
                         ReleaseResult result)
                  throws MavenExecutorException
Execute goals using Maven.

Specified by:
executeGoals in interface MavenExecutor
workingDirectory - the directory to execute in
goals - the goals to run (space delimited)
releaseEnvironment - the environmental settings, maven-home, etc used for this release
interactive - whether to execute in interactive mode, or the default batch mode
additionalArguments - additional arguments to pass to the Maven command
pomFileName - the file name of the POM to execute on
result - holds all results of the execution
MavenExecutorException - if an error occurred executing Maven


protected abstract void executeGoals(File workingDirectory,
                                     List<String> goals,
                                     ReleaseEnvironment releaseEnvironment,
                                     boolean interactive,
                                     String additionalArguments,
                                     String pomFileName,
                                     ReleaseResult result)
                              throws MavenExecutorException


protected final org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger getLogger()


public void enableLogging(org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger logger)

Specified by:
enableLogging in interface org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LogEnabled

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