The maven team is pleased to announce the Maven Clover Plugin 1.9-SNAPSHOT release! The Clover plugin allows measuring test coverage using Clover ( Changes in this version include: New Features: o Added a quick usage guide in the documentation. o Added a maven.clover.multiproject property that should be set to true in your master project (if you're using a multiproject setup). Setting it to true will make the clover goal and the maven-clover-plugin report in your POM execute on all subprojects (they'll call the new clover:multiproject goal). o New clover:multiproject goal to run Clover on a multiproject setup. o New clover:merge goal that creates a new Clover database by merging several other databases specified using the maven.clover.merge.databases property (which defaults to **/clover_coverage.db). o Added PDF report generation. Issue: MPCLOVER-31. Thanks to Olivier Jacob. Fixed bugs: o maven.test.failure.ignore is now correctly reset when clover:off is called. Thanks to Carlos Sanchez. o Fully disable Clover in clover:off so that the Clover compiler adapter delegates straight to the default compiler. Issue: MPCLOVER-32. o Fixed issue where clover:report was not calling clover:on leading to an error when generating the reports. o Fixed issue with Clover task and type definitions not using an explicit classpath which apparently breaks under Maven 1.1. Changes: o Ensure that clover:init, clover:on and clover:off can only be called once. For example calling clover:on twice in a row will execute it only once. o The clover:*-report goals do not call clover:test anymore. They only generates Clover reports. This is now aligned with the clover:report behavior. To run the full thing, execute the clover goal or add the Clover report to your project's POM. o Always generate Clover reports even when there is no coverage data. One of the reason is that Clover generates metrics other than coverage percentage, like LOC and NCLOC which are useful in themselves. Issue: MPCLOVER-35. o Upgraded to Clover 1.3.6 Issue: MPCLOVER-36. Removed features: o Removed the maven.clover.jar property that was used to override the default Clover jar. This property was not working (it requires Ant 1.6) and is no needed anymore as Cenqua has cleanly separated the Clover jar from the Clover license. You only need to point maven.clover.license.path to your license file. To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line: maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-clover-plugin -Dversion=1.9-SNAPSHOT For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here: Have fun! -The maven team