Maven 2.0.1

2.0.1 Release Notes


  • MNG-948 - Broken Links on Maven2 Website
  • MNG-1205 - dependency with scope:system & flag optional = true doesn't appear in the class path
  • MNG-1220 - NPE in DiagnosisUtils
  • MNG-1232 - Incorrect field case triggers NPE when configurator unable to configure object
  • MNG-1241 - configuration collections are not merged when configuration is
  • MNG-1244 - bin/m2 breaks with spaces in path
  • MNG-1246 - target/test-classes isn't added to [/usr/home/cmsslave/slave15/maventest-site-staging/build/trunk/target/test-classes, /usr/home/cmsslave/slave15/maventest-site-staging/build/trunk/target/classes] variable
  • MNG-1249 - External Javadoc report apidocs/index.html is overwritten
  • MNG-1251 - attachArtifact doesn't allow to attach an artifact with different type and no assembly
  • MNG-1291 - Incorrect usage information
  • MNG-1311 - Cannot be executed in package phase (infinite loop when @execute is specified)
  • MNG-1320 - Build failed due to an empty or corrupt metadata file in the repository
  • MNG-1335 - Artifact must be cloned too in MavenProject's constructor
  • MNG-1355 - Infinity Loop in DefaultMavenProjectBuilder.assembleLineage
  • MNG-1357 - An attempt at running the tests is performed even if the testClassesDirectory is not present
  • MNG-1363 - Transitive dependencies with system scope and version range trying to be downloaded
  • MNG-1372 - Reference to deprecated command in message
  • MNG-1384 - optional dependencies not resolved while compiling from a master project
  • MNG-1394 - Use of the RelativePath Multi-Module produces failure
  • MNG-1417 - Relocated artifacts hide other versions that should be picked
  • MNG-1424 - Specifying version for a plugin in pluginManagement does not force Maven to use this version
  • MNG-1434 - [patch] Fix some typos and broken links
  • MNG-1443 - should not fail in offline mode if pom doesn't exist
  • MNG-1466 - Ant dependencies task does not work with multiple repositories
  • MNG-1474 - Profile properties do not appear to be substituted in the scm connection string
  • MNG-1499 - Execution order is arbitrary if inheritance is involved
  • MNG-1529 - NPE when inheriting report sets
  • MNG-1559 - Error (Nonexistent component: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.mapping.LifecycleMappingnar) for clean goal.
  • MNG-1586 - activeByDefault is ignored
  • MNG-1603 - POM is not read using the right encoding
  • MNG-1620 - par and ejb3 files must expose its classes to the classpath, so other modules can use them when compiling
  • MNG-1630 - Optional tag in dependencyManagement is not inherited in the children projects
  • MNG-1642 - Incorrect APT markup applied to the Title of the guide-releasing.apt
  • MNG-1646 - Optional tag in project dependency doesn't work
  • MNG-1656 - xml-apis relocation wrong
  • MNG-1666 - PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator, StringIndexOOBE
  • MNG-1784 - mvn install - multiple modules using subproject as launch point - pom.xml gets renamed installed in local repository as a .war file
  • MNG-1804 - Can't load a class from a plugin, when this class is in a user's pom/build/plugins/plugin/dependencies
  • MNG-1842 - maven/plugins/trunk fails to build on clean system


  • ARCHETYPE-6 - Metadata missing from ibiblio
  • ARCHETYPE-8 - example maven project architecture (jars, wars, ejbs, and an ear)
  • MNG-123 - bootstrap should build with itself
  • MNG-764 - pom with modules should fail if packaging is not pom or an aggregator
  • MNG-857 - Maven Archetype documentation
  • MNG-897 - allows use of Ant build files
  • MNG-1182 - update plexus-utils code for stream handling
  • MNG-1198 - group artifact not found exceptions
  • MNG-1217 - Relocation messages don't mention the artifact that was relocated
  • MNG-1265 - Improve information displayed by "mvn --version"
  • MNG-1270 - allow custom artifact handlers using build extensions
  • MNG-1271 - Maven 2 needs to give a warning when it is being run in a Maven 1 project and there isn't a pom.xml file
  • MNG-1276 - warning too verbose for invalid poms
  • MNG-1286 - Check exclusions against relocated artifacts
  • MNG-1287 - Bring back dependency path tree in "Failed to resolve artifact." error
  • MNG-1352 - Improve message when a required config is not present in pom.xml
  • MNG-1361 - Improve the message when the version is missing from a dependency
  • MNG-1404 - Provide informative messages when POM is invalid
  • MNG-1550 - save checksum in local repository
  • MNG-1594 - Update sun jars guide
  • MNG-1788 - setup lax parsing of repository poms and metadata

New Feature

  • MNG-1223 - warning with multiple child modules with the same artifact id
  • MNG-1525 - Allow environment variables to be referenced in pom.xml, settings.xml, etc.
  • MNG-1650 - Maven Archiver should allow pom.xml and to be excluded in the generated jar


  • MNG-40 - Sites for all components
  • MNG-263 - restructure maven-components when in SVN
  • MNG-1092 - minor site improvements


  • [MNG-1598] - It should be possible not to include the META-INF/maven directory in produced jars