Maven Ant Tasks

2.1.1 Release Notes

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.


  • [MANTTASKS-173] - Value of is not resolved
  • [MANTTASKS-178] - artifact:pom task not working with Ant 1.8.0
  • [MANTTASKS-179] - Variables nested in pom.xml are not being interpolated
  • [MANTTASKS-185] - null pointer exception when caching dependency information
  • [MANTTASKS-187] - maven ant tasks 2.1.0 pom task no longer extrapolates properties
  • [MANTTASKS-188] - dependencyrefsbuildfile attribute doesn't work with absolute paths.
  • [MANTTASKS-189] - NPE when using scope="system"
  • [MANTTASKS-190] - dependency scope attribute is not validated
  • [MANTTASKS-191] - No explanation of how to use multiple Maven repositories to resolve dependencies
  • [MANTTASKS-192] - NPE when using remoteRepository with refid which has not been defined
  • [MANTTASKS-193] - POM properties aren't available as ANT properties contrary to the documentation
  • [MANTTASKS-195] - Cannot override central repository with my own


  • [MANTTASKS-181] - update tasks code to use Java 5


  • [MANTTASKS-172] - extend scope of 'result' variable in org.apache.maven.artifact.ant.DependenciesTask.doExecute()

2.1.0 Release Notes

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.


  • [MANTTASKS-4] - System scope not working properly in Maven Antlib
  • [MANTTASKS-152] - Mvn task omit localRepository param
  • [MANTTASKS-153] - Properties defined in Ant are not passed to Maven
  • [MANTTASKS-155] - Dependency fileset should set the current ant project
  • [MANTTASKS-159] - Wrong credentials used for mirrored repositories
  • [MANTTASKS-160] - Wrong metadata files created for mirrored remote repositories
  • [MANTTASKS-167] - Generated ant build file should save version list for version mapper


  • [MANTTASKS-117] - Setting Maven user-properties not possible
  • [MANTTASKS-169] - Dependencies "verbose" option should be deprecated in favor of standard ant verbose option

New Feature

  • [MANTTASKS-151] - Support for artfacts that are 'classified' from birth
  • [MANTTASKS-156] - Add feature to dependencies task to write file paths to a file.
  • [MANTTASKS-168] - New task to write a pom file

2.0.10 Release Notes

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.


  • [MANTTASKS-87] - Using a pom.xml for dependencies, in which the pom.xml has a parent pom.xml will cause a "Error downloading parent pom" error
  • [MANTTASKS-106] - Maven ant tasks artifact has maven inside the jar and so can't be used from inside the maven (maven-antrun-plugin) - classes do conflict
  • [MANTTASKS-111] - Support for SNAPSHOT deployment
  • [MANTTASKS-116] - NPE when install target is missing file and pom type is JAR
  • [MANTTASKS-142] - Default remote repository id not safe
  • [MANTTASKS-144] - "Error reading settings file" error is reported when settings.xml is deleted from maven/conf folder.
  • [MANTTASKS-145] - Dependency management doesn't work with pom and dependencies tasks


  • [MANTTASKS-35] - Support profiles in pom type
  • [MANTTASKS-114] - improve documentation
  • [MANTTASKS-146] - Improvements to site documentation
  • [MANTTASKS-147] - Improvements to scope filtering

New Feature

  • [MANTTASKS-71] - running m2 inside Ant
  • [MANTTASKS-149] - Allow multiple types in the type filter

2.0.9 Release Notes

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.


  • [MANTTASKS-13] - Ant Tasks use of authentication is inconsistent
  • [MANTTASKS-91] - [task dependencies]Trouble between mvn and manttasks
  • [MANTTASKS-103] - Can't deploy to a file: repository
  • [MANTTASKS-104] - files returned in sourcesFileset when no dependencies sources available
  • [MANTTASKS-105] - dependencies task don't read remote repositories from settings xml
  • [MANTTASKS-107] - repository defined in pom not used to download parent pom when defining pom reference
  • [MANTTASKS-108] - Maven Ant Tasks are switching the Classloader of the Main Ant Thread


  • [MANTTASKS-88] - Add the ability to download javadoc dependencies

2.0.8 Release Notes

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.


  • [MANTTASKS-2] - artifact:dependencies related error: No files specified for filelist
  • [MANTTASKS-22] - artifact:dependencies does not respect in the generated classpath the order of the dependencies
  • [MANTTASKS-23] - antlib:deploy doesn't set correct snapshot version
  • [MANTTASKS-67] - artifact:deploy - The name of deploying element in snapshot repository is wrong
  • [MANTTASKS-77] - offline element of settings.xml ignored by artifact:dependencies.
  • [MANTTASKS-78] - unable to download a dependency when it is a SNAPSHOT and multiple remoteRepositories are used
  • [MANTTASKS-79] - add XML encoding support for pom.xml and settings.xml
  • [MANTTASKS-82] - Environment variables are not resolved in settings files
  • [MANTTASKS-84] - VersionMapper does not work on SNAPSHOT dependencies where uniqueVersion="true"
  • [MANTTASKS-85] - settings config ignored for remoteRepositories not defined in pom
  • [MANTTASKS-87] - Using a pom.xml for dependencies, in which the pom.xml has a parent pom.xml will cause a "Error downloading parent pom" error
  • [MANTTASKS-98] - NPE if user settings file doesn't exist


  • [MANTTASKS-33] - Pass Ant properties for resolved dependency JARs
  • [MANTTASKS-80] - weak/Inconsistent handling of settings
  • [MANTTASKS-97] - add support for mirrorOf*/mirrorOf
  • [MANTTASKS-101] - get pom properties values like any other element

2.0.7 Release Notes

Warning: there are 2 incompatible changes that you must know before upgrading, to fix your Ant build files:

  1. [MANTTASKS-44]: <localRepository path="..."/> instead of <localRepository location=""/> for Ant 1.7 compatibility (location attribute is used internally by Ant 1.7)
  2. [MANTTASKS-65]: central repository is not automatically added any more if a remoteRepository is set: the code has been changed to work as expected and documented (explicit declaration)

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.


  • [MANTTASKS-1] - dependencies ant task incorrectly handles transitive snapshot dependencies
  • [MANTTASKS-6] - ant artifact doesn't read settings.xml
  • [MANTTASKS-11] - antlib + http based repository + version range errors badly
  • [MANTTASKS-12] - No means of preventing ant task from querying
  • [MANTTASKS-15] - scp:// urls not recognised, even when wagon-ssh is installed.
  • [MANTTASKS-18] - filesetId does not contain all dependencies when artifact was not yet locally installed
  • [MANTTASKS-26] - artifact:dependencies filesetId attribute causes NPE
  • [MANTTASKS-65] - [PATCH] add central repository only if no remoteRepository set
  • [MANTTASKS-70] - m2 tasks not reentrant
  • [MANTTASKS-75] - [PATCH] NPE if loaded settings.xml does not contain localRepository


  • [MANTTASKS-44] - bootstrap of components/trunk fails with ant-1.7.0RC1
  • [MANTTASKS-66] - [PATCH] add more information when Ant run in verbose mode (ant -v)
  • [MANTTASKS-69] - [PATCH] improve
  • [MANTTASKS-72] - Remove hardcoded groupId in install-provider task
  • [MANTTASKS-76] - [PATCH] update Maven Ant Tasks to Maven core 2.0.7

New Feature

  • [MANTTASKS-29] - more powerful filesetId


  • [MANTTASKS-24] - Not enough diagnostics if failed to validate POM
  • [MANTTASKS-37] - The Dependencies task of Maven Antlib should override an existing path reference instead of failing
  • [MANTTASKS-73] - miss RemoteRepository sub-element for tasks pom and install-provider

2.0.6 Release Notes

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.


  • [MANTTASKS-7] - dependencies ant task does not handle scoped transitive dependencies correctly
  • [MANTTASKS-62] - Maven 2.0.5 needs Maven 2.0.5 Tasks for Ant and Maven 2.0.5 Embedder for everything to remain sane


  • [MANTTASKS-31] - [PATCH] Ant tasks should allow you to specify a custom location for settings.xml

New Feature

  • [MANTTASKS-28] - [PATCH] add sourcesFilesetId attribute to dependencies task to download sources
  • [MANTTASKS-42] - Allow install and deploy tasks to include attached artifacts


  • [MANTTASKS-30] - rename maven-artifact-ant to maven-ant-tasks


  • [MANTTASKS-45] - Document pomRefId attribute for M2 ant tasks on M2 website.