[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
109 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 28.308 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.webdav | 109 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 28.308 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
PathNavigatorTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.046 | |
WebDavsWagonTest | 54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 15.306 | |
WebDavWagonTest | 54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 12.956 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
testGetURLDavHttp | 0.132 | |
testGetURLDavHttps | 0 | |
testGetURLDavUri | 0.001 | |
testGetURLDavUriWithSsl | 0 | |
testGetURLDavPlusHttp | 0.001 | |
testGetURLDavPlusHttps | 0 | |
testMkdirs | 0.783 | |
testMkdirsWithNoBasedir | 0.024 | |
testWagonWebDavGetFileList | 0.173 | |
testWagonFailsOnPutFailureByDefault | 0.021 | |
testWagonContinuesOnPutFailureIfPropertySet | 0.119 | |
testWagonGetFileList | 0.115 | |
testHttpHeaders | 0.12 | |
testHttpHeadersWithCommonMethods | 0.015 | |
testGetForbidden | 0.125 | |
testGet404 | 0.012 | |
testGet500 | 0.112 | |
testResourceExistsForbidden | 0.012 | |
testResourceExists404 | 0.013 | |
testResourceExists500 | 0.012 | |
testGzipGet | 0.028 | |
testProxiedRequest | 5.118 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthentication | 5.12 | |
testSecuredGetUnauthorized | 0.024 | |
testSecuredGetWrongPassword | 0.027 | |
testSecuredGet | 0.041 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsUnauthorized | 0.015 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsWrongPassword | 0.021 | |
testSecuredResourceExists | 0.127 | |
testPutForbidden | 0.014 | |
testPut404 | 0.019 | |
testPut500 | 0.12 | |
testSecuredPutUnauthorized | 0.12 | |
testSecuredPutWrongPassword | 0.13 | |
testSecuredPut | 0.125 | |
testStreamingWagon | 0.078 | |
testFailedGetToStream | 0.133 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsNewer | 0.107 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsOlder | 0.178 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsSame | 0.037 | |
testFailedGetIfNewerToStream | 0.058 | |
testWagon | 0.034 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsNewer | 0.134 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsOlder | 0.13 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsSame | 0.148 | |
testWagonPutDirectory | 0.215 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryDeepDestination | 0.171 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryWhenDirectoryAlreadyExists | 0.555 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryForDot | 0.072 | |
testFailedGet | 0.116 | |
testFailedGetIfNewer | 0.017 | |
testWagonGetFileListWhenDirectoryDoesNotExist | 0.115 | |
testWagonResourceExists | 0.02 | |
testWagonResourceNotExists | 0.013 |
testGetURLDavHttp | 0 | |
testGetURLDavHttps | 0 | |
testGetURLDavUri | 0 | |
testGetURLDavUriWithSsl | 0 | |
testGetURLDavPlusHttp | 0 | |
testGetURLDavPlusHttps | 0.001 | |
testMkdirs | 0.043 | |
testMkdirsWithNoBasedir | 0.01 | |
testWagonWebDavGetFileList | 0.175 | |
testWagonFailsOnPutFailureByDefault | 0.117 | |
testWagonContinuesOnPutFailureIfPropertySet | 0.114 | |
testWagonGetFileList | 0.075 | |
testHttpHeaders | 0.015 | |
testHttpHeadersWithCommonMethods | 0.013 | |
testGetForbidden | 0.112 | |
testGet404 | 0.007 | |
testGet500 | 0.107 | |
testResourceExistsForbidden | 0.006 | |
testResourceExists404 | 0.005 | |
testResourceExists500 | 0.007 | |
testGzipGet | 0.11 | |
testProxiedRequest | 5.007 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthentication | 5.112 | |
testSecuredGetUnauthorized | 0.014 | |
testSecuredGetWrongPassword | 0.11 | |
testSecuredGet | 0.11 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsUnauthorized | 0.007 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsWrongPassword | 0.108 | |
testSecuredResourceExists | 0.016 | |
testPutForbidden | 0.108 | |
testPut404 | 0.108 | |
testPut500 | 0.112 | |
testSecuredPutUnauthorized | 0.111 | |
testSecuredPutWrongPassword | 0.115 | |
testSecuredPut | 0.015 | |
testStreamingWagon | 0.026 | |
testFailedGetToStream | 0.008 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsNewer | 0.018 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsOlder | 0.116 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsSame | 0.02 | |
testFailedGetIfNewerToStream | 0.006 | |
testWagon | 0.117 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsNewer | 0.02 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsOlder | 0.018 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsSame | 0.116 | |
testWagonPutDirectory | 0.074 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryDeepDestination | 0.19 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryWhenDirectoryAlreadyExists | 0.061 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryForDot | 0.053 | |
testFailedGet | 0.006 | |
testFailedGetIfNewer | 0.006 | |
testWagonGetFileListWhenDirectoryDoesNotExist | 0.107 | |
testWagonResourceExists | 0.014 | |
testWagonResourceNotExists | 0.006 |