CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.3.5.


File Line
org\apache\maven\scm\tck\command\branch\BranchCommandTckTest.java 58
org\apache\maven\scm\tck\command\tag\TagCommandTckTest.java 58
        assertResultIsSuccess( branchResult );

        // see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SCM-754
        //assertEquals( "check all 4 files branched", 4, branchResult.getBranchedFiles().size() );

        File readmeTxt = new File( getWorkingCopy(), "readme.txt" );

        assertEquals( "check readme.txt contents", "/readme.txt", FileUtils.fileRead( readmeTxt ) );

        this.edit( getWorkingCopy(), "readme.txt", null, getScmRepository() );
        changeReadmeTxt( readmeTxt );

        CheckInScmResult checkinResult =
            getScmManager().checkIn( getScmRepository(), new ScmFileSet( getWorkingCopy() ), "commit message" );

        assertResultIsSuccess( checkinResult );

        CheckOutScmResult checkoutResult =
            getScmManager().checkOut( getScmRepository(), new ScmFileSet( getAssertionCopy() ) );

        assertResultIsSuccess( checkoutResult );

        readmeTxt = new File( getAssertionCopy(), "readme.txt" );

        assertEquals( "check readme.txt contents", "changed file", FileUtils.fileRead( readmeTxt ) );

        deleteDirectory( getAssertionCopy() );

        assertFalse( "check previous assertion copy deleted", getAssertionCopy().exists() );

        checkoutResult = getScmManager().getProviderByUrl( getScmUrl() ).checkOut( getScmRepository(),
                                                                                   new ScmFileSet( getAssertionCopy() ),
                                                                                   new ScmBranch( branch ) );