How to update the Mahout Website

How to update the mahout home page

  1. Clone Apache Mahout, the website is contained in the website/ folder, and all pages are writtin in markdown.
  2. Once you have made appropriate changes, please open a pull request.

Some Do’s and Dont’s of updating the web site

  1. Keep all pages cleanly formatted - this includes using standard formatting for headers etc.
  2. Try to keep a single page for a topic instead of starting multiple ones. If the topics are related, put it under as a child under the similar page.
  3. Notify the developers of orphaned or broken links.

How to push changes to the actual website (committers only)

  1. svn co asf-mahout

  2. Run Terminal JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build

Setting JEKYLL_ENV=production ... is going to build the docs with from _config.yml filled in. This required when building docs especially (it sets to /docs/[VERSION]).

  1. Copy mahout/website/_site to asf-mahout/site/docs/<MAHOUT-VERSION>/

  2. svn commit

svnpubsub will come into play…