Provides support for converting longs to Strings, and back again. The strings are structured so that lexicographic sorting order is preserved.

That is, if l1 is less than l2 for any two longs l1 and l2, then NumberTools.longToString(l1) is lexicographically less than NumberTools.longToString(l2). (Similarly for "greater than" and "equals".)

This class handles all long values (unlike {@link Lucene.Net.Documents.DateField}).

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Documents
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


[ObsoleteAttribute("For new indexes use NumericUtils instead, which provides a sortable binary representation (prefix encoded) of numeric values. To index and efficiently query numeric values use NumericField and NumericRangeQuery. This class is included for use with existing indices and will be removed in a future release.")]
public class NumberTools
Visual Basic
<ObsoleteAttribute("For new indexes use NumericUtils instead, which provides a sortable binary representation (prefix encoded) of numeric values. To index and efficiently query numeric values use NumericField and NumericRangeQuery. This class is included for use with existing indices and will be removed in a future release.")> _
Public Class NumberTools
Visual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"For new indexes use NumericUtils instead, which provides a sortable binary representation (prefix encoded) of numeric values. To index and efficiently query numeric values use NumericField and NumericRangeQuery. This class is included for use with existing indices and will be removed in a future release.")]
public ref class NumberTools

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also