Computes a score factor based on the fraction of all query terms that a document contains. This value is multiplied into scores.

The presence of a large portion of the query terms indicates a better match with the query, so implementations of this method usually return larger values when the ratio between these parameters is large and smaller values when the ratio between them is small.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Search
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


public abstract float Coord(
	int overlap,
	int maxOverlap
Visual Basic
Public MustOverride Function Coord ( _
	overlap As Integer, _
	maxOverlap As Integer _
) As Single
Visual C++
virtual float Coord(
	int overlap, 
	int maxOverlap
) abstract


Type: System..::..Int32
the number of query terms matched in the document
Type: System..::..Int32
the total number of terms in the query

Return Value

a score factor based on term overlap with the query

See Also