Behaves much like {@link #LOAD} but does not uncompress any compressed data. This is used for internal purposes. {@link Document#GetField(String)} and {@link Document#GetFieldable(String)} should not return null.

{@link Document#Add(Fieldable)} should be called by the Reader.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Documents
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


[ObsoleteAttribute("This is an internal option only, and is no longer needed now that CompressionTools is used for field compression.")]
public static readonly FieldSelectorResult LOAD_FOR_MERGE
Visual Basic
<NonSerializedAttribute> _
<ObsoleteAttribute("This is an internal option only, and is no longer needed now that CompressionTools is used for field compression.")> _
Public Shared ReadOnly LOAD_FOR_MERGE As FieldSelectorResult
Visual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"This is an internal option only, and is no longer needed now that CompressionTools is used for field compression.")]
static initonly FieldSelectorResult^ LOAD_FOR_MERGE

See Also