LogImpl DebugFormat Method (String, Object, Object, Object)Apache log4net™ SDK Documentation
Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level.

Namespace: log4net.Core
Assembly: log4net (in log4net.dll) Version: (

public virtual void DebugFormat(
	string format,
	Object arg0,
	Object arg1,
	Object arg2


ILog DebugFormat(String, Object, Object, Object)

The message is formatted using the [M:String.Format(IFormatProvider, string, object[])] method. See String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior of the formatting.

The string is formatted using the OnlineInvariantCulture format provider. To specify a localized provider use the [M:DebugFormat(IFormatProvider,string,object[])] method.

This method does not take an OnlineException object to include in the log event. To pass an OnlineException use one of the [M:Debug(object)] methods instead.

See Also