

To run the libcloud test suite you need to have the following extra dependencies installed:

Running Tests On All the Supported Python Versions Using tox

To run the tests on all the supported Python versions run the following command:

sudo tox

You need to run this command as a root user, because Python 2.5 depends on ssl module and you need root permissions to install it.

Note: tox uses virtualenv and won't pollute your local Python installations.

Running Tests Manually

To run the tests move to the root of the repository and run the following command:

PYTHONPATH=. python setup.py test

Running a Single Test File

To run the tests located in a single test file, move to the root of the repository and run the following command:

PYTHONPATH=. python libcloud/test/<path to test file>

For example:

PYTHONPATH=. python libcloud/test/libcloud/test/compute/test_ec2.py

Generating Test Coverage Report

To generate the test coverage run the following command:

PYTHONPATH=. python setup.py coverage

When it completes you should see a new coverage_html_report directory which contains the test coverage.