Class Hierarchy
- Exception
- io.FileIO
- libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey
- libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey
- libcloud.common.base.LoggingConnection - Debug class to log all HTTP(s) requests as they could be made with the C{curl} command.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.Capacity - Represents CPU, Memory or Storage capacity of vDC.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.Vdc - Virtual datacenter (vDC) representation
- libcloud.utils.py3.httplib.HTTPSConnection
- libcloud.utils.py3.xmlrpclib.SafeTransport
- libcloud.utils.py3.xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
- libcloud.utils.py3.xmlrpclib.Transport
- LibcloudHTTPConnection
- object
- libcloud.common.base.BaseDriver - Base driver class from which other classes can inherit from.
- libcloud.common.base.Connection - A Base Connection class to derive from.
- libcloud.common.base.Response - A Base Response class to derive from.
- libcloud.common.cloudstack.CloudStackDriverMixIn - Undocumented
- libcloud.common.gandi.BaseGandiDriver - Gandi base driver
- libcloud.common.gandi.BaseObject - Base class for objects not conventional
- libcloud.common.gogrid.BaseGoGridDriver - GoGrid has common object model for services they provide, like locations and IP, so keep handling of these things in a single place.
- libcloud.common.gogrid.GoGridIpAddress - IP Address
- libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackDriverMixin - No class docstring; 1/2 methods documented
- libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackServiceCatalog -
- libcloud.common.types.LazyList - Undocumented
- libcloud.compute.base.NodeAuthPassword - A password to be used for authentication to a node.
- libcloud.compute.base.NodeAuthSSHKey - An SSH key to be installed for authentication to a node.
- libcloud.compute.base.NodeLocation - A physical location where nodes can be.
- libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin - Mixin class for get_uuid function.
- libcloud.compute.deployment.Deployment - Base class for deployment tasks.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackAddress - A public IP address.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackDiskOffering - A disk offering within CloudStack.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackForwardingRule - A NAT/firewall forwarding rule.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.ExEC2AvailabilityZone - Extension class which stores information about an EC2 availability zone.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.ibm_sce.Address - A reserved IP address that can be attached to an instance. Properties: id, ip, state, options(location, type, created_time, state, hostname, instance_ids, vlan, owner, mode, offering_id)
- libcloud.compute.drivers.ibm_sce.VolumeOffering - An SCE specific storage volume offering class. The volume offering ID is needed to create a volume. Volume offering IDs are different for each data center.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.ibm_sce.VolumeState - The SCE specific states for a storage volume
- libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.ACTION - All actions, except RESUME, only apply when the VM is in the "Running" state.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebulaNetwork - Provide a common interface for handling networks of all types.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses - List of public and private IP addresses of a Node.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup - Shared IP group info.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.opsource.OpsourceNetwork - Opsource network with location.
- libcloud.compute.drivers.opsource.OpsourceStatus - Opsource API pending operation status class action, requestTime, username, numberOfSteps, updateTime,, step.number, step.percentComplete, failureReason,
- libcloud.compute.drivers.softlayer.SoftLayerConnection - Connection class for the SoftLayer driver
- libcloud.compute.drivers.vcl.VCLConnection - Connection class for the VCL driver
- libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.Instantiate_1_5_VAppXML - Undocumented
- libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.InstantiateVAppXML - Undocumented
- libcloud.compute.ssh.BaseSSHClient - Base class representing a connection over SSH/SCP to a remote node.
- libcloud.compute.types.Architecture - Image and size architectures.
- libcloud.compute.types.NodeState - Standard states for a node
- libcloud.compute.types.Provider - Defines for each of the supported providers
- libcloud.dns.base.Record - Zone record / resource.
- libcloud.dns.base.Zone - DNS zone.
- libcloud.dns.types.Provider - Undocumented
- libcloud.dns.types.RecordType - DNS record type.
- libcloud.loadbalancer.base.Algorithm - Undocumented
- libcloud.loadbalancer.base.LoadBalancer - Provide a common interface for handling Load Balancers.
- libcloud.loadbalancer.base.Member - Undocumented
- libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceAccessRule - An access rule allows or denies traffic to a Load Balancer based on the incoming IPs.
- libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceAccessRuleType - Undocumented
- libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceConnectionThrottle - @param min_connections: Minimum number of connections per IP address before applying throttling. @type min_connections: C{int}
- libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceHealthMonitor - No summary
- libcloud.loadbalancer.types.MemberCondition - Each member of a load balancer can have an associated condition which determines its role within the load balancer.
- libcloud.loadbalancer.types.Provider - Undocumented
- libcloud.loadbalancer.types.State - Standard states for a loadbalancer
- - Represents a container (bucket) which can hold multiple objects.
- - Represents an object (BLOB).
- - Undocumented
- - Undocumented
- - Undocumented
- - Defines for each of the supported providers
- libcloud.test.BaseMockHttpObject - Undocumented
- libcloud.test.common.test_cloudstack.CloudStackMockDriver - Undocumented
- libcloud.test.compute.test_base.FakeDriver - Undocumented
- libcloud.test.compute.test_elasticstack.ElasticStackTestCase - No class docstring; 1/12 methods documented
- libcloud.test.compute.TestCaseMixin - Undocumented
- libcloud.test.file_fixtures.FileFixtures - Undocumented
- libcloud.test.MockResponse - A mock HTTPResponse
- libcloud.test.multipleresponse - A decorator that allows MockHttp objects to return multi responses
- unittest.TestCase