The DatasetGraph hierarchy.

These notes were written February 2016.

DatasetGraph forms the basic of storage as RDFDataset. There is a class hierarchy to make implementation a matter of choosing the style of implementation and adding specific functionality.

The hierarchy of the significant classes is: (there are others adding special features)

DatasetGraph - the interface
                DatasetGraphMapLink - ad hoc collection of graphs
                DatasetGraphInMemory - fully transactional in-memory.
    DatasetGraphTrackActive - transaction support 
        DatasetGraphTransaction - This is the main TDB dataset.
        DatasetGraphWithLock - MRSW support
        DatasetGraphTxn - TDB usage

Other important classes:



This is the interface. Includes Transactional operations.

There are two markers for transaction features supported.

If begin, commit and end are supported (which is normally the case) supportsTransactions returns true.

If, further, abort is supported, then supportsTransactionAbort is true.

General hierarchy


This provides some basic machinery and provides implementations of operations that have alternative styles. It converts add(G,S,P,O) to add(quad) and delete(G,S,P,O) to delete(quad) and converts find(quad) to find(G,S,P,O).

It provides basic implementations of deleteAny(?,?,?,?) and clear().

It provides a Lock (LockMRSW) and the Context.

From here on down, the storage aspect of the hierarchy splits depending on implementation style.


This is the beginning of the hierarchy for DSGs that store using different units for default graph and named graphs. This class splits find/4 into the following variants:

findInDftGraph findInUnionGraph findQuadsInUnionGraph findUnionGraphTriples findInSpecificNamedGraph findInAnyNamedGraphs


This is the beginning of the hierarchy for DSGs implemented as a set of triples for the default graph and a set of quads for all the named graphs.

It splits add(Quad) and delete(Quad) into:


and makes


copy-in operations - triples are copied into the graph or removed from the graph, rather than the graph being shared.


The main in-memory implementation, providing full transactions (serializable isolation, abort).

Use this one!

This class backs DatasetFactory.createTxnMem().


The in-memory implementation using in-memory Graphs as the storage for Triples. It provides MRSW-transactions (serializable isolation, no real abort). Use this if a single threaded application.

This class backs DatasetFactory.create().


Operations split into operations on a collection of Graphs, one for the default graph, and a map of (Node,Graph) for the named graphs. It provides MRSW-transactions (serializable isolation, no real abort).


This implementation is manages Graphs provided by the application.

It provides MRSW-transactions (serializable isolation, no real abort). Applications need to be careful when modifying the Graphs directly and also modifying them via the DatasetGraph interface.

This class backs DatasetFactory.createGeneral().


Indirection to another DatasetGraph.

Surprisingly useful.


A small class that provides the "get a graph" operations over a DatasetGraph using GraphView.

Not used because subclasses usually want to inherit from a different part fo the hierarchy but the idea of implementing getDefaultGraph() and getGraph(Node) as calls to GraphView is used elsewhere.

Do not use with an implementations that store using graph (e.g. DatasetGraphMap, DatasetGraphMapLink) because it goes into an infinite recursion if they use GraphView internally.


Implementation of the Graph interface as a view of a DatasetGraph including providing a basic implementation of the union graph. Subclasses can, and do, provide a better mechanisms for the union graph based on their internal indexes.


An implement that only provides a default graph, given at creation time. This is a fixed - the app can't add named graphs.

Cuts through all the machinery to be a simple, direct implementation.

Backs up DatasetGraphFactory.createOneGraph but not DatasetFactory.create(Model) which provided are adding named graphs.


Root for implementations based on just quad storage, no special triples in the default graph (e.g. the default graph is always the calculated union of named graphs).

Not used currently.


Framework for implementing transactions. Provides checking.


Provides transactions, without abort by default, using a lock. If the lock is LockMRSW, we get multiple-readers or a single writer at any given moment in time. As most datastructures are multi-thread reader safe, this style works over systems that do not themselves provide transactions.

Abort requires work to be undone. Jena may in the future provide reverse replay abort (do the adds and deletes in reverse operation, reverse order) but this is partial. It does not protect against the DatasetGraph implementation throwing exceptions nor JVM or machine crash (if any persistence). It still needs MRSW to archive isolation.

Read-committed needs synchronization safe datastructures -including co-ordinated changes to several place at once (ConcurrentHashMap isn't enough - need to update 2 or more ConcurrentHashMaps together).



DatasetGraphTDB is concerned with the storage historical and not used directly by applications.


This is the class returned by TDBFactory, wrapped in DatasetImpl.

Different in TDB2 - DatasetGraphTransaction not used, DatasetGraphTDB is transactional.


This is the TDB per-transaction DatasetGraph using the transaction view of indexes. For the application, it is held in the transactions ThreadLocal in DatasetGraphTransaction.

Internally, each read transaction for the same generation of the data uses the same DatasetGraphTransaction.