CSV PropertyTable - Implementation

PropertyTable Implementations

There are 2 implementations for PropertyTable. The pros and cons are summarised in the following table:

PropertyTable Implementation Description Supported Indexes Advantages Disadvantages
PropertyTableArrayImpl implemented by a two-dimensioned Java array of Nodes SPO, PSO compact memory usage, fast for querying with S and P, fast for query a whole Row slow for query with O, table Row/Column size provided
PropertyTableHashMapImpl implemented by several Java HashMaps PSO, POS fast for querying with O, table Row/Column size not required more memory usage for HashMaps

By default, [PropertyTableArrayImpl]((https://github.com/apache/jena/tree/master/jena-csv/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/propertytable/impl/PropertyTableArrayImpl.java) is used as the PropertyTable implementation held by GraphCSV. If you want to switch to PropertyTableHashMapImpl, just use the static method of GraphCSV.createHashMapImpl() to replace the default new GraphCSV() way. Here is an example:

Model model_csv_array_impl = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(new GraphCSV(file)); // PropertyTableArrayImpl
Model model_csv_hashmap_impl = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(GraphCSV.createHashMapImpl(file)); // PropertyTableHashMapImpl

StageGenerator Optimization for GraphPropertyTable

Accessing from SPARQL via Graph.find() will work, but it's not ideal. Some optimizations can be done for processing a SPARQL basic graph pattern. More explicitly, in the method of OpExecutor.execute(OpBGP, ...), when the target for the query is a GraphPropertyTable, it can get a whole Row, or Rows, of the table data and match the pattern with the bindings.

The optimization of querying a whole Row in the PropertyTable are supported now. The following query pattern can be transformed into a Row querying, without generating triples:

?x :prop1 ?v .
?x :prop2 ?w .

It's made by using the extension point of StageGenerator, because it's now just concerned with BasicPattern. The detailed workflow goes in this way:

  1. Split the incoming BasicPattern by subjects, (i.e. it becomes multiple sub BasicPatterns grouped by the same subjects. (see QueryIterPropertyTable )
  2. For each sub BasicPattern, if the Triple size within is greater than 1 (i.e. at least 2 Triples), it's turned into a Row querying, and processed by QueryIterPropertyTableRow, else if it contains only 1 Triple, it goes for the traditional Triple querying by graph.graphBaseFind()

In order to turn on this optimization, we need to register the StageGeneratorPropertyTable into ARQ context, before performing SPARQL querying:

StageGenerator orig = (StageGenerator)ARQ.getContext().get(ARQ.stageGenerator) ;
StageGenerator stageGenerator = new StageGeneratorPropertyTable(orig) ;
StageBuilder.setGenerator(ARQ.getContext(), stageGenerator) ;