CSV PropertyTable - Get Started

Using CSV PropertyTable with Apache Maven

See "Using Jena with Apache Maven" for full details.


Using CSV PropertyTable from Java through the API

In order to switch on CSV PropertyTable, it's required to register LangCSV into Jena RIOT, through a simple method call:

import org.apache.jena.propertytable.lang.CSV2RDF;
    CSV2RDF.init() ;

It's a static method call of registration, which needs to be run just one time for an application before using CSV PropertyTable (e.g. during the initialization phase).

Once registered, CSV PropertyTable provides 2 ways for the users to play with (i.e. GraphCSV and RIOT):


GraphCSV wrappers a CSV file as a Graph, which makes a Model for SPARQL query:

Model model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(new GraphCSV("data.csv")) ;
QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model) ;

or for multiple CSV files and/or other RDF data:

Model csv1 = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(new GraphCSV("data1.csv")) ;
Model csv2 = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(new GraphCSV("data2.csv")) ;
Model other = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(otherGraph) ;
Dataset dataset = ... ;
dataset.addNamedModel("http://example/table1", csv1) ;
dataset.addNamedModel("http://example/table2", csv2) ;
dataset.addNamedModel("http://example/other", other) ;
... normal SPARQL execution ...

You can also find the full examples from GraphCSVTest.

In short, for Jena ARQ, a CSV table is actually a Graph (i.e. GraphCSV), without any differences from other types of Graphs when using it from the Jena ARQ API.


When LangCSV is registered into RIOT, CSV PropertyTable adds a new RDF syntax of '.csv' with the content type of "text/csv". You can read ".csv" files into Model following the standard RIOT usages:

// Usage 1: Direct reading through Model
Model model_1 = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel()
model.read("test.csv") ;

// Usage 2: Reading using RDFDataMgr
Model model_2 = RDFDataMgr.loadModel("test.csv") ;

For more information, see Reading RDF in Apache Jena.

Note that, the requirements for the CSV files are listed in the documentation of Design. CSV PropertyTable only supports single-Value, regular-Shaped, table-headed and UTF-8-encoded CSV files (NOT Microsoft Excel files).

Command Line Tool

csv2rdf is a tool for direct transforming from CSV to the formatted RDF syntax of N-Triples. The script calls the csv2rdf java program in the riotcmd package in this way:

java -cp ... riotcmdx.csv2rdf inputFile ...

It transforms the CSV inputFile into N-Triples. For example,

java -cp ... riotcmdx.csv2rdf src/test/resources/test.csv

The script reuses Common framework for running RIOT parsers, so that it also accepts the same arguments (type "riot --help" to get command line reminders) from RIOT Command line tools:

  • --validate: Checking mode: same as --strict --sink --check=true
  • --check=true/false: Run with checking of literals and IRIs either on or off.
  • --sink: No output of triples or quads in the standard output (i.e. System.out).
  • --time: Output timing information.