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To save some time in verifying an Isis release we’ve assembled a script to automate the process. The script is tested on Mac OSX and Linux. Windows users can use Cygwin or msysgit.

It’s recommended that you start this process in an empty directory:

mkdir ~/verify-isis-release
cd ~/verify-isis-release

Copy the script to your local machine

The script could be enhanced in many ways, feel free to do so! Copy (or download) the verify-isis-release.sh script below:

# Instructions:
# -Create an empty directory
# -Put a .txt file in it containing a list of all the urls of the zip files
# -Run this script
# TODO: enhance this script so it will stop when something is broken
    for fil in `cat *.txt`
       echo 'Downloading '$fil
       curl  -L -O $fil
       curl  -L -O $fil.asc
    for zip in *.zip
       echo 'Verifying '$zip
       gpg --verify $zip.asc $zip
    echo 'Unpacking '
    unzip -q '*.zip'
    echo 'Removing Isis from local repo '$module
    rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis
    for module in ./*/
       if [ $COUNTER -eq 1 ]
         cd $module
         echo 'Building Core '$module
         mvn clean install -o
         cd ..
         cd $module
         echo 'Building Module '$module
         mvn clean install
         cd ..
# The work starts here

Make sure the script is executable:

chmod +x verify-isis-release.sh

Create an input file

The input file is a plain .txt file containing all urls to the packages to be verified. Here’s a sample of the release of Isis 1.8.0:


The actual list of packages to be verified will be provided through the mailing list.

Clean out Isis from your local Maven repo

rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis

Execute the script



…and get yourself a cup of coffee.

Test the archetype

Assuming that everything builds ok, then test the archetypes (adjust version as necessary):

mvn archetype:generate  \
    -D archetypeGroupId=org.apache.isis.archetype \
    -D archetypeArtifactId=simpleapp-archetype \
    -D groupId=com.mycompany \
    -D artifactId=myapp \
    -D version=1.0-SNAPSHOT \
    -B \
    -o \
    -D archetypeVersion=1.8.0   # adjust version as necessary

cd myapp
mvn clean install -o
mvn -P self-host antrun:run

If it runs up ok, then it’s time to vote!

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Apache, the Apache feather logo, Apache Isis, and the Apache Isis project logo are all trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
