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These are some general jottings on occasionally performed tasks by the PMC. ASF documents can be found here

Accessing people.apache.org

Must be accessed via ssh.


ssh danhaywood@people.apache.org

and when prompted, provide passphrase for private key…​ though I’ve forgotten what I did to set this up in the first place, though :-(

LDAP Access (UNIX groups)

Whenever we get a new committer, the ASF LDAP entries must be maintained to grant access to our repos and various other 'karma'.

Log onto people.apache.org, then use:

list_unix_group.pl isis

to list committers

list_committee.pl isis

to list the PMC committee members (in Isis, every committer should be on the PMC committee)

To change membership of either the committers or the PMC, use:

modify_unix_group.pl isis --add joebloggs
modify_unix_group.pl isis --remove joebloggs


modify_committee.pl gump --add joebloggs
modify_committee.pl gump --remove joebloggs


Further details are in these ASF docs. (They talk about SVN access, but really it is LDAP access).

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