Package | Description |
org.apache.hive.hcatalog.templeton | |
org.apache.hive.hcatalog.templeton.tool |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---| |
Server.addOneColumn(String db,
String table,
String column,
ColumnDesc desc)
Create a column in an hcat table.
| |
Server.addOnePartition(String db,
String table,
String partition,
PartitionDesc desc)
Create a partition in an hcat table.
| |
Server.addOneTableProperty(String db,
String table,
String property,
TablePropertyDesc desc)
Add a single property on an hcat table.
| |
Server.createDatabase(String db,
DatabaseDesc desc)
Create a database
| |
Server.createTable(String db,
String table,
TableDesc desc)
Create a new table.
| |
Server.createTableLike(String db,
String existingTable,
String newTable,
TableLikeDesc desc)
Create a new table like another table.
ExecBean |
Server.ddl(String exec,
String group,
String permissions)
Execute an hcat ddl expression on the local box.
QueueStatusBean |
Server.deleteJobId(String jobid)
Kill a job in the queue.
| |
Server.descColumn(String db,
String table,
String column)
Describe a single column in an hcat table.
| |
Server.descDatabase(String db,
String format)
Describe a database
| |
Server.descOneTableProperty(String db,
String table,
String property)
Describe a single property on an hcat table.
| |
Server.descPartition(String db,
String table,
String partition)
Describe a single partition in an hcat table.
| |
Server.descTable(String db,
String table,
String format)
Describe an hcat table.
| |
Server.dropDatabase(String db,
boolean ifExists,
String option,
String group,
String permissions)
Drop a database
| |
Server.dropPartition(String db,
String table,
String partition,
boolean ifExists,
String group,
String permissions)
Drop a partition in an hcat table.
| |
Server.dropTable(String db,
String table,
boolean ifExists,
String group,
String permissions)
Drop an hcat table.
EnqueueBean |
Server.hive(String execute,
String srcFile,
List<String> hiveArgs,
String otherFiles,
List<String> defines,
String statusdir,
String callback,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enablejobreconnect)
Run a Hive job.
| |
Server.listColumns(String db,
String table)
List the columns in an hcat table.
| |
Server.listDatabases(String dbPattern)
List all databases, or those that match a pattern.
| |
Server.listPartitions(String db,
String table)
List all the partitions in an hcat table.
| |
Server.listTableProperties(String db,
String table)
List all the properties on an hcat table.
| |
Server.listTables(String db,
String tablePattern)
List all the tables in an hcat database.
EnqueueBean |
Server.mapReduceJar(String jar,
String mainClass,
String libjars,
String files,
List<String> args,
List<String> defines,
String statusdir,
String callback,
boolean usesHcatalog,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enablejobreconnect)
Run a MapReduce Jar job.
EnqueueBean |
Server.mapReduceStreaming(List<String> inputs,
String inputreader,
String output,
String mapper,
String reducer,
String combiner,
List<String> fileList,
String files,
List<String> defines,
List<String> cmdenvs,
List<String> args,
String statusdir,
String callback,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enablejobreconnect)
Run a MapReduce Streaming job.
EnqueueBean |
Server.pig(String execute,
String srcFile,
List<String> pigArgs,
String otherFiles,
String statusdir,
String callback,
boolean usesHcatalog,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enablejobreconnect)
Run a Pig job.
| |
Server.renameTable(String db,
String oldTable,
String newTable,
String group,
String permissions)
Rename an hcat table.
List<String> | user,
boolean showall) |
EnqueueBean | user,
Map<String,Object> userArgs,
List<String> inputs,
String inputreader,
String output,
String mapper,
String reducer,
String combiner,
List<String> fileList,
String files,
List<String> defines,
List<String> cmdenvs,
List<String> jarArgs,
String statusdir,
String callback,
String completedUrl,
boolean enableLog,
Boolean enableJobReconnect,
LauncherDelegator.JobType jobType) |
EnqueueBean | user,
Map<String,Object> userArgs,
String execute,
String srcFile,
List<String> defines,
List<String> hiveArgs,
String otherFiles,
String statusdir,
String callback,
String completedUrl,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enableJobReconnect) |
EnqueueBean | user,
Map<String,Object> userArgs,
String execute,
String srcFile,
List<String> pigArgs,
String otherFiles,
String statusdir,
String callback,
boolean usesHcatalog,
String completedUrl,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enableJobReconnect) |
EnqueueBean | user,
Map<String,Object> userArgs,
String jar,
String mainClass,
String libjars,
String files,
List<String> jarArgs,
List<String> defines,
String statusdir,
String callback,
boolean usesHcatalog,
String completedUrl,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enableJobReconnect,
LauncherDelegator.JobType jobType) |
EnqueueBean | user,
Map<String,Object> userArgs,
String command,
String optionsFile,
String otherFiles,
String statusdir,
String callback,
String completedUrl,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enableJobReconnect,
String libdir) |
QueueStatusBean | user,
String id) |
QueueStatusBean | user,
String id) |
QueueStatusBean |
Server.showJobId(String jobid)
Return the status of the jobid.
List<JobItemBean> |
Server.showJobList(String fields,
boolean showall,
String jobid,
String numrecords)
Return all the known job ids for this user based on the optional filter conditions.
EnqueueBean |
Server.sqoop(String command,
String optionsFile,
String libdir,
String otherFiles,
String statusdir,
String callback,
boolean enablelog,
Boolean enablejobreconnect)
Run a Sqoop job.
static org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobID |
StatusDelegator.StringToJobID(String id)
A version of JobID.forName with our app specific error handling.
void |
Server.verifyDdlParam(String param,
String name)
Verify that the parameter exists and is a simple DDL identifier
void |
Server.verifyParam(List<String> param,
String name)
Verify that the parameter exists.
void |
Server.verifyParam(String param,
String name)
Verify that the parameter exists.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
TempletonUtils.quoteForWindows(String param) |
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