Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos infoWarnings warningErrors error


PackageHtml1error Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile1error Error
Translation0error Error
JavadocMethod51error Error
JavadocType1error Error
JavadocVariable34error Error
JavadocStyle0error Error
ConstantName1error Error
LocalFinalVariableName0error Error
LocalVariableName0error Error
MemberName0error Error
MethodName0error Error
PackageName0error Error
ParameterName0error Error
StaticVariableName1error Error
TypeName0error Error
  • headerFile: "/home/anthill/anthill3/agent/var/jobs/projects/Geronimo_Server/modules/geronimo-web-builder/target/checkstyle-header.txt"
6error Error
AvoidStarImport0error Error
IllegalImport0error Error
RedundantImport0error Error
UnusedImports0error Error
FileLength0error Error
  • max: "120"
31error Error
MethodLength1error Error
ParameterNumber2error Error
EmptyForIteratorPad0error Error
NoWhitespaceAfter0error Error
NoWhitespaceBefore0error Error
OperatorWrap4error Error
ParenPad2error Error
TypecastParenPad0error Error
TabCharacter0error Error
WhitespaceAfter1error Error
WhitespaceAround12error Error
ModifierOrder3error Error
RedundantModifier0error Error
AvoidNestedBlocks0error Error
EmptyBlock0error Error
LeftCurly1error Error
NeedBraces5error Error
RightCurly0error Error
AvoidInlineConditionals1error Error
DoubleCheckedLocking0error Error
EmptyStatement0error Error
EqualsHashCode0error Error
  • ignoreConstructorParameter: "true"
  • ignoreSetter: "true"
1error Error
IllegalInstantiation0error Error
InnerAssignment0error Error
MagicNumber3error Error
MissingSwitchDefault0error Error
RedundantThrows0error Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression0error Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0error Error
FinalClass0error Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor0error Error
InterfaceIsType0error Error
VisibilityModifier5error Error
ArrayTypeStyle0error Error
FinalParameters77error Error
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
1error Error
TodoComment0error Error
UpperEll0error Error



errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorParameter ddBean should be final.37
errorParameter webApp should be final.37
errorLine has trailing spaces.40
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.40
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.45
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.56
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.60
errorParameter contextRoot should be final.60
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65
errorParameter ddBean should be final.65
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.69
errorParameter dcBean should be final.69
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.73
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.77


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorParameter deployable should be final.29


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorParameter deployable should be final.31


errorFile does not end with a newline.0
errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.43
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.47
errorParameter configNamespace should be final.47
errorParameter namespace should be final.47
errorParameter element should be final.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorParameter plan should be final.53
error'namespace' hides a field.58
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.60
error'if' is not followed by whitespace.60
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.61
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.61


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.95
errorName 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.95
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.96
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.97
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.99
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.100
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.101
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.102
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.103
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.104
errorVariable 'kernel' must be private and have accessor methods.104
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.105
errorVariable 'securityBuilders' must be private and have accessor methods.105
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.106
errorVariable 'serviceBuilders' must be private and have accessor methods.106
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.107
errorVariable 'resourceEnvironmentSetter' must be private and have accessor methods.107
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.109
errorVariable 'namingBuilders' must be private and have accessor methods.109
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.111
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.112
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.121
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.121
errorParameter kernel should be final.121
errorParameter securityBuilders should be final.121
errorParameter serviceBuilders should be final.121
errorParameter namingBuilders should be final.121
errorParameter resourceEnvironmentSetter should be final.121
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.130
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.131
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.132
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.133
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.134
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.138
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.143
errorParameter earContext should be final.143
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.153
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.153
errorParameter plan should be final.153
errorParameter moduleFile should be final.153
errorParameter naming should be final.153
errorParameter idBuilder should be final.153
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.157
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.157
errorMore than 7 parameters.157
errorParameter plan should be final.157
errorParameter moduleFile should be final.157
errorParameter targetPath should be final.157
errorParameter specDDUrl should be final.157
errorParameter environment should be final.157
errorParameter moduleContextInfo should be final.157
errorParameter earName should be final.157
errorParameter naming should be final.157
errorParameter idBuilder should be final.157
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.158
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.161
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.161
errorMore than 7 parameters.161
errorParameter webApp should be final.171
errorExpected @param tag for 'webApp'.171
errorParameter contextRoot should be final.171
errorExpected @param tag for 'contextRoot'.171
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.183
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.183
errorParameter webApp should be final.183
errorParameter isStandAlone should be final.183
errorParameter moduleFile should be final.183
errorParameter targetPath should be final.183
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.198
errorParameter path should be final.198
error'4' is a magic number.205
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.214
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.214
errorParameter earFile should be final.214
errorParameter earContext should be final.214
errorParameter module should be final.214
errorParameter configurationStores should be final.214
errorParameter targetConfigurationStore should be final.214
errorParameter repositories should be final.214
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.221
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.299
errorParameter securityRoles should be final.299
errorParameter rolePermissions should be final.299
errorMethod length is 184 lines (max allowed is 150).306
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.306
errorParameter webApp should be final.306
errorParameter securityRoles should be final.306
errorParameter rolePermissions should be final.306
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.331
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.334
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.368
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.491
errorParameter roleName should be final.491
errorParameter permission should be final.491
errorParameter rolePermissions should be final.491
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.500
errorParameter patternMap should be final.500
errorParameter name should be final.500
errorParameter actions should be final.500
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.511
errorParameter webApp should be final.511
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.522
errorParameter webApp should be final.522
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.527
errorParameter webApp should be final.527
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.553
errorParameter pattern should be final.553
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.555
error'0x0D' is a magic number.555
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.556
error'0x0A' is a magic number.556
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.559
errorParameter webApp should be final.559
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.560
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.560
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.561
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.561
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.562
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.562
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.565
errorParameter configurationDir should be final.565
error'{' should be on the previous line.566
error',' is not followed by whitespace.569
error'+' should be on a new line.571
error'+' should be on a new line.573
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.574
error'+' should be on a new line.574
error'(' is followed by whitespace.575
errorAvoid inline conditionals.575
error')' is preceded with whitespace.575
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.581
errorParameter servletType should be final.581
errorParameter securityRoles should be final.581
errorParameter rolePermissions should be final.581
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.608
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.608
errorParameter gerWebApp should be final.608
errorParameter hasSecurityRealmName should be final.608
errorParameter module should be final.608
errorParameter earContext should be final.608
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.611
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.617
errorParameter xmlObject should be final.617
error'||' should be on a new line.634
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.642
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.646
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.647
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.663
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.667
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.689
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.690
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.690
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.691
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.691
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.692
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.692
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.694
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.695
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.697
errorParameter name should be final.697
errorParameter actions should be final.697
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.702
errorParameter o should be final.702
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.707
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.711
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.715
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.719
errorParameter name should be final.719
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.723
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.727
errorParameter actions should be final.727


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorName 'XPATHS' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorParameter ddBean should be final.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.56
errorParameter webApp should be final.56
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.69
errorParameter bean should be final.69
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.76
errorParameter inputStream should be final.76
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.81