Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos infoWarnings warningErrors error


PackageHtml1error Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile0error Error
Translation0error Error
JavadocMethod75error Error
JavadocType3error Error
JavadocVariable34error Error
JavadocStyle2error Error
ConstantName2error Error
LocalFinalVariableName0error Error
LocalVariableName0error Error
MemberName0error Error
MethodName0error Error
PackageName0error Error
ParameterName0error Error
StaticVariableName3error Error
TypeName0error Error
  • headerFile: "/home/anthill/anthill3/agent/var/jobs/projects/Geronimo_Server/modules/geronimo-hot-deploy/target/checkstyle-header.txt"
3error Error
AvoidStarImport0error Error
IllegalImport0error Error
RedundantImport0error Error
UnusedImports0error Error
FileLength0error Error
  • max: "120"
17error Error
MethodLength0error Error
ParameterNumber0error Error
EmptyForIteratorPad0error Error
NoWhitespaceAfter0error Error
NoWhitespaceBefore0error Error
OperatorWrap3error Error
ParenPad0error Error
TypecastParenPad0error Error
TabCharacter0error Error
WhitespaceAfter0error Error
WhitespaceAround24error Error
ModifierOrder0error Error
RedundantModifier2error Error
AvoidNestedBlocks0error Error
EmptyBlock0error Error
LeftCurly0error Error
NeedBraces4error Error
RightCurly0error Error
AvoidInlineConditionals12error Error
DoubleCheckedLocking0error Error
EmptyStatement0error Error
EqualsHashCode0error Error
  • ignoreConstructorParameter: "true"
  • ignoreSetter: "true"
0error Error
IllegalInstantiation0error Error
InnerAssignment0error Error
MagicNumber12error Error
MissingSwitchDefault0error Error
RedundantThrows0error Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression0error Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0error Error
FinalClass0error Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor0error Error
InterfaceIsType0error Error
VisibilityModifier0error Error
ArrayTypeStyle0error Error
FinalParameters47error Error
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
0error Error
TodoComment0error Error
UpperEll0error Error



errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.47
errorName 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.49
errorExpected an @return tag.55
errorExpected @param tag for 'file'.64
errorExpected @param tag for 'configId'.64
errorExpected @param tag for 'file'.73
errorExpected @param tag for 'configId'.73
errorExpected @param tag for 'file'.89
errorExpected @param tag for 'configId'.89
errorExpected @param tag for 'file'.98
errorExpected @param tag for 'file'.104
errorExpected @param tag for 'configId'.104
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.106
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.109
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.110
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.111
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.112
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.113
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.114
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.116
errorParameter directory should be final.116
errorParameter listener should be final.116
errorParameter pollIntervalMillis should be final.116
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.122
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.126
errorParameter pollIntervalMillis should be final.126
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.130
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.134
errorParameter listener should be final.134
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.138
errorParameter directory should be final.147
errorExpected @param tag for 'directory'.147
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.154
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.158
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.162
errorParameter id should be final.162
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.163
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.163
error'if' is not followed by whitespace.164
error'synchronized' is not followed by whitespace.171
error'if' is not followed by whitespace.176
error'if' is not followed by whitespace.178
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.179
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.179
error'if' is not followed by whitespace.180
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.181
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.181
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.190
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.219
errorAvoid inline conditionals.227
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.235
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.235
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.235
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.235
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.235
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.235
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.235
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.235
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.235
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.235
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.235
errorAvoid inline conditionals.263
error'if' is not followed by whitespace.282
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.347
errorParameter action should be final.347
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.355
errorParameter module should be final.355
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.363
errorAvoid inline conditionals.368
errorExpected an @return tag.378
errorParameter dir should be final.378
errorExpected @param tag for 'dir'.378
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.385
errorParameter dir should be final.385
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.406
errorParameter child should be final.406
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.413
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.414
errorName 'NEW_FILE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.414
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.415
errorName 'UPDATED_FILE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.415
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.416
errorName 'REMOVED_FILE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.416
error'3' is a magic number.416
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.417
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.418
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.419
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.421
errorParameter action should be final.421
errorParameter child should be final.421
errorParameter info should be final.421
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.427
errorAvoid inline conditionals.428
errorAvoid inline conditionals.428
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.432
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.433
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.434
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.435
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.436
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.437
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.438
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.440
errorParameter path should be final.440
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.446
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.450
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.454
errorParameter size should be final.454
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.458
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.462
errorParameter modified should be final.462
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.466
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.470
errorParameter newFile should be final.470
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.474
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.478
errorParameter changing should be final.478
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.482
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.486
errorParameter configId should be final.486
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.490
errorParameter info should be final.490
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.492


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.19
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.26
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.26


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.56
errorName 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.56
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.59
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.59
error'+' should be on a new line.59
error'+' should be on a new line.60
error'+' should be on a new line.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.63
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.64
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.66
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.67
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.68
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.69
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.70
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.71
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.72
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.73
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.74
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.76
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.76
errorParameter path should be final.76
errorParameter pollIntervalMillis should be final.76
errorParameter serverInfo should be final.76
errorParameter configManager should be final.76
errorParameter kernel should be final.76
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.84
errorParameter id should be final.84
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.88
errorParameter id should be final.88
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.93
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.97
errorParameter path should be final.97
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.101
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.105
errorParameter serverInfo should be final.105
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.109
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.113
errorParameter pollIntervalMillis should be final.113
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.117
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.121
errorParameter deploymentURI should be final.121
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.127
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.131
errorParameter deploymentUser should be final.131
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.135
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.139
errorParameter deploymentPassword should be final.139
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.143
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.150
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.153
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.168
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.172
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.176
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.182
errorParameter file should be final.182
errorParameter configId should be final.182
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.192
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.197
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.214
errorParameter file should be final.214
errorParameter configId should be final.214
error'+' is not preceded with whitespace.220
error'+' is not followed by whitespace.220
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.225
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.230
errorParameter file should be final.230
errorParameter configId should be final.230
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.239
errorParameter file should be final.239
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.266
errorAvoid inline conditionals.266
errorAvoid inline conditionals.266
error'4' is a magic number.266
error'72' is a magic number.266
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.270
errorAvoid inline conditionals.270
error'4' is a magic number.270
error'72' is a magic number.270
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.284
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.299
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.307
errorParameter file should be final.307
errorParameter configId should be final.307
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.314
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.321
errorAvoid inline conditionals.321
error'4' is a magic number.321
error'72' is a magic number.321
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.324
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.334
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.339
errorParameter file should be final.339
errorParameter configId should be final.339
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.346
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.358
errorAvoid inline conditionals.358
errorAvoid inline conditionals.358
error'4' is a magic number.358
error'72' is a magic number.358
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.362
errorAvoid inline conditionals.362
error'4' is a magic number.362
error'72' is a magic number.362
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.367
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.374
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.378
errorParameter po should be final.378
error'100' is a magic number.381
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.388
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.411