Adds synchronization support on top of the flash.geom.Transform class.
The class has a target property which is the IVisualElement that the Transform has been assigned to.
The IVisualElement implementations typically set the target to themselves when the Transform
is assigned to their transform property.
Changes to the Transform properties automatically get pushed to the target. Reading from the Transform
properties reads directly from the target's transform.
The IVisualElement with which the Transform will keep in synch.
The IVisualElement implementations will typically set the target to
themselves when the Transform is assigned to their transform property.
Implementation public function get target():IVisualElement public function set target(value:IVisualElement):void
Constructor Detail
public function Transform(src:DisplayObject = null)
Language Version :
ActionScript 3.0
Product Version :
Flex 4
Runtime Versions :
Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5
src:DisplayObject (default = null) — The target of the transform.
Method Detail
override public function getRelativeMatrix3D(relativeTo:DisplayObject):Matrix3D