Download iPOJO

The actual iPOJO version is the 1.8.x. This page contains links to download iPOJO binaries and sources of the latest version.

Binaries files

Bundle or Jar file Version Link Details
Core 1.8.4 Download To use iPOJO, you must install and start this bundle on your OSGi runtime
Architecture Command for Felix Shell 1.6.0 Download This bundle allows displaying information on created instances (only instances publishing their architecture). This bundle provides a Felix command (named arch), displaying this information.
Architecture Command for Gogo 1.0.1 Download This bundle allows displaying information on created instances (only instances publishing their architecture). This bundle provides a Gogo commands, displaying this information.
Annotations 1.8.4 Download The iPOJO annotations allows describing components using Java annotations. iPOJO provides a set of annotations to describe component types using standard features. More details about these annotations are available [here
Ant Task 1.8.6 Download The iPOJO Ant task allows you to create iPOJO bundle with Ant.
BND Plugin 1.8.6 Download The iPOJO BND plugin allows you to create iPOJO bundles using BND directly

| Maven Plug-in | 1.8.6 | Automatic download from the Maven repository | The iPOJO Maven plug-in allow creating iPOJO bundle with Maven. Using this plug-in requires that you configure your POM file correctly as explained here. This [tutorial |iPOJO Hello Word (Maven-Based) tutorial]demonstrates how to use this plug-in to build iPOJO bundle (both for individual project and multi-module project). |

Extender Pattern Handler 1.4.0 Download This handler simplifies the development of extender patterns by managing bundle tracking. More info [here Extender Pattern Handler]
Temporal Dependency Handler 1.6.0 Download This handler proposes a new way to handle service dependencies allowing a thread to wait for a provider. More info [here Temporal Service Dependency]
JMX Handler 1.4.0 Download This handler allows remote instance introspection and reconfiguration via JMX. More info [here iPOJO JMX Handler]
Event Admin Handlers 1.8.0 Download This handler avoids the burden when dealing with the Event Admin


iPOJO Sources are available on the Apache Felix Project source trunk. To download iPOJO sources, use the following command: {code:html} svn checkout

Once downloaded, you can compile iPOJO with:
mvn clean install

To compile iPOJO examples, use the following command: {code:html} mvn clean install -Pexamples

To compile iPOJO tests, use the following command:
mvn clean install -Ptests,integration-tests

Executing iPOJO tests

iPOJO Tests use the junit4osgi framework and pax exam. To execute tests, just compile them (with the mvn clean install from the tests directory) and then execute the integration tests by executing the mvn clean integration-test command from the tests/integration-tests folder.